January 02, 2025

Comedy and mystery combine in EU’s fall play

The cast of "Par for the Corpse," most in costume. FIRST ROW: Aiden Denton, Brock Driskill, Gabe Lauffer, Jake Findley, Zayett Clear. SECOND ROW: Wyatt Proffit, Liv Findley, Camden Clear, Charlie Shawley. THIRD ROW: Izzy Mohr, Anne Denton. FOURTH ROW: Khloe Parker, Cyler Wuebker, Reese Guiter, Riley Cheers, Dallas Harper, Carter Harper, Lexi Hansen.

AFTON - When a body is discovered in the pro shop of a local golf resort, dead from a chip shot to the temple, it’ll take a whole suite of colorful characters to solve the murder.

East Union will present the comedy mystery show “Par for the Corpse” at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9. Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.

The show’s director, Clarissa McCollough, said there will be a lot of humor to find. “Keep your ears open and your head on a swivel or you might miss something big,” she said.

The ensemble for this year can be quite large, with multiple members of the cast on stage in certain scenes. With 19 members of the cast, everyone has their part in the show. A lot of movement and a lot of jokes can make for a chaotic and fun show.

Sissy Culpepper (Izzy Mohr), Lily Pearce (Reese Guiter), Teddy Masters (Cyler Wuebker) and Glenda Pearce (Khloe Parker) perform during a runthrough of "Par for the Corpse."

Freshman Cyler Wuebker, who performs the role of Teddy Masters, a former professional golfer who runs the pro shop where the body is found, was supportive of the whole cast. “A lot of people are learning a lot as we go on,” he said. “I’m excited and ready to do the show.”

Wacky characters, like a “Star Wars” fanboy, an uptight college professor and a hypochondriac with a broken leg, are sure to deliver humor.

Sophomore Khloe Parker, who plays the role of Glenda Pearce, was positive about the show. “Everyone’s putting in a lot of effort this year,” she said. “I think it will be really good.”

With the comedic aspects of the show, multiple members of the cast said it was more fun to perform than other plays. “We’re all serious people, but we also find time to laugh,” said freshman Gabe Lauffer, who plays the first-time detective Sybil.

The cast features a notably younger cast than previous years, with all except one student being underclassmen. Both the cast and McCollough said this has helped bring the cast together, allowing them to grow the show together.

Shauna Wilson (Olivia Findley), Sissy Culpepper (Izzy Mohr), Alvin Hart (Wyatt Proffitt) and Derrick Purcell (Carter Harper) appear shocked.

Wuebker said, with the inclusion of a few middle schoolers in the cast, the environment has been positive. “That’s why we’re working so well this year,” he said. “There’s a difference between juniors and seniors, and sophomores and freshmen.”

Stage transitions will have a gang of golfers hitting the links, with sixth graders Camden Clear, Zayett Clear, Jake Findley and Charlie Shawley playing old, hip-breaking golfers who just can’t seem to keep their grip on their clubs.

McCollough admired the work of the students, especially praising them for amount of work they’ve put in, even with extended days from the four-day school schedule. “Many of these students spent 12 plus hours at the school,” she said. “Then they would go home and practice lines again. This is all while these students are also participating in their other extracurricular sports for the season.”

Backstage, one sixth grader has particularly impressed McCollough, offering praise to Assistant Director/Stage Manager Brecklynn Driskill. “She has done a phenomenal job in all aspects of this production,” McCollough said. “She has been a natural at this role. Many times she would seek me out and say, ‘I’ve been thinking about this scene and I think this would be better.’ She has been a great asset to the drama department.”

With an ensemble cast and a busy crew behind the stage, McCollough was gracious in giving praise to those who help the program. “I wouldn’t be able to support this program and do what I love without the support system I have,” she said. “It really takes a village to put on a production.”

The production is directed by Clarissa McCollough. Main cast includes: Lily Pearce (Reese Guiter); Teddy Masters (Cyler Wuebker); Glenda Pearce (Khloe Parker); Joy Draper (Lexi Hansen); Shauna Wilson (Olivia Findley); Rita Sullivan (Annie Denton); Sissy Culpepper (Izzy Mohr); Derrick Purcell (Carter Harper); Bobby Cole (Aiden Denton); Sybil Conner (Gabe Lauffer); Sybil Conner Jr. (Dallas Harper); Alvin Hart (Wyatt Proffitt); Claire Smith (Riley Cheers); Henry Hingle (Brock Driskill); Golfer #1 (Jacob Findley); Golfer #2 (Charlie Shawley); Golfer #3 (Camden Clear); Guest #1 (Emeryson Sick); Guest #2 (Zayett Clear).

Nick Pauly

News Reporter for Creston News Advertiser. Raised and matured in the state of Iowa, Nick Pauly developed a love for all forms of media, from books and movies to emerging forms of media such as video games and livestreaming.