June 29, 2024

Panther baseball bounces back from game one loss

Lewis Central wins game one 7-1, Creston takes game two 5-3

COUNCIL BLUFFS — The Panthers (17-9, 12-4) split with Lewis Central (14-10, 10-7) Monday in a Hawkeye 10 doubleheader after coming back from a 7-1 game one loss. In game two, Creston took a 5-3 win over the Titans to remain at second in conference standings behind Clarinda (17-3, 15-1).

Starting strong against the Titans, leadoff batter Dylan Hoepker made it to third base on an error at centerfield to set up Cael Turner for an easy RBI. But it would be the only run for the Panthers in game one.

Creston logged seven hits, senior McCoy Haines going 2-3 with two stolen bases. The Panthers stranded six through the seven innings.

The Titans responded with a run in the first and a home run in the second to take a 2-1 lead before an explosive third inning where four more runs were added.

“In game one they were able to manage one big inning that we did not respond well to,” Creston coach Brandon Phipps said. “We knew we were going to have to fight in game two.”

Starting pitcher Hoepker struck out three and allowed six runs on four hits and three walks. Milo Staver came in during the third inning, striking out two batters, allowing one run on two hits and two balls.

Game Two

As the Panthers came back from an offensive drought in game one, it took a couple innings to get back into the swing of things.

Sam Henry went 2-4 at bat with a double and an RBI while Turner finished 2-5 with a run to lead the Panthers’ offense. Also with two hits and an RBI were Parker Varner, Tom Mikkelsen and Tanner Ray.

Senior Gavin Millslagle went 1-2 at bat with a walk to score twice for Creston.

“I was happy with our efforts in game two,” Phipps said. “Bouncing back from the game one loss was huge for our team. Offensively we strung some hits together and had timely hits when we needed them.”

Millslagle scored the first run in game two on an RBI from Varner in the second inning. The Titans responded, putting up two of their own in the second inning to take a 2-1 lead, a similar tale from game one. But with a runner on second and only one out, Varner struck out the next two batters to get out of the inning.

“We played clean baseball behind Parker and were able to produce enough on offense to come out with a quality win,” Phipps said. “He was composed and under control all night. That was one of his better performances on the mound we have seen.”

Varner threw eight strikeouts in a complete game pitched, allowing seven hits, no walks and three runs. With his performance Monday, the Panthers now have three pitchers in the Class 3A top 10 for strikeouts.

Turner sits at sixth with 58, Varner at ninth with 56 and Hoepker ranked 10th with 55. Charlie Dvergsten of Storm Lake leads with 85 and a 0.51 ERA.

Though the Panthers stranded three in the third, they got back at it in the fourth, Hoepker hitting a double followed by singles from Turner and Mikkelsen to put another on the board for Creston, tying the score.

The back-and-forth continued as LC responded with a run of their own to regain the lead 3-2 in the bottom of the fourth, but the Panthers kept at it.

Bases were loaded with only one out as Hoepker made a dash for first on a third strike wild pitch. He was unable to it to first, but Haines used the opportunity to score from third, again tying the score.

In the sixth, Turner stole third base while Henry was at bat, getting himself in the perfect position to score on Henry’s single. Millslagle, a bunt threat, hustled to first in the seventh on the short hit. He stole second base while Ray was at bat and scored the fifth and final run on a sacrifice hit from Ray.

While the Panthers have been ahead of the Titans in the H10 standings much of the season, the win was extra special as its the first Creston victory over Lewis Central since 2013. Since 2008, this is only the third time the Panthers have won the matchup.

“A rest day Tuesday and a good practice Wednesday should set us up nicely for a big H10 doubleheader match up with a good Denison-Schleswig team Thursday,” Phipps said. “We finish the week Friday with non-conference Saydel.”

Cheyenne Roche


Originally from Wisconsin, Cheyenne has a journalism and political science degree from UW-Eau Claire and a passion for reading and learning. She lives in Creston with her husband and their two little dogs.