Iowa approves high school Name, Image and Likeness

15th state in nation to do so

Both the Iowa High School Athletic Association and Iowa High School Girls Athletic Union announced Wednesday that high school student-athletes are able to earn compensation, monetary included, on the use of their Name, Image and Likeness (NIL).

An athlete can participate in NIL with the following regulations set out by both the IHSAA and the IGHSAU.

The compensation is not contingent on specific athletic performance or achievement (e.g., financial incentives based on points scored, place in tournament).

The compensation (or prospective compensation) is not provided as an inducement to attend a particular school (“undue influence”) or to remain enrolled at a particular school.

The compensation is not provided by the school or an agent of the school (e.g., booster club, foundation, etc.).

Additionally, for those seeking compensation from NIL, the following must be adhered to:

The student should not use the IHSAA/IGHSAU or member school marks or logos in any NIL activity.

The student should not wear apparel or equipment which includes the IHSAA/IGHSAU logo or member school marks or logos in any NIL activity.

Student should not reference the IHSAA/IGHSAU or member school name or mascot in any NIL activity.

The student should not use a member school’s facilities in any NIL activity.

The student should not promote activities nor products associated with the following: gaming/gambling; alcoholic beverages, tobacco, cannabis, or related products; banned or illegal substances; adult entertainment products or services; or weapons (e.g., firearms).

The student and his/her family should seek guidance from his/her member school. The student and his/her family should seek their own legal counsel when considering any NIL activity.

The student and his/her family should contact the NCAA, NJCAA, and/or NAIA to ensure any NIL activity does not jeopardize collegiate eligibility.

With some schools having week 0 football games Friday, as well as the first competitions for volleyball and cross country next week, how this develops will be anyone’s guess.