Creston’s Outstanding Male Athlete in the class of 2022
Will continue athletic and academic career at Benedictine College
Will major in biology/pre-med program, wants to become a surgeon
IPSWA second team offensive lineman all-state in 2021
Class 3A district 6 first team, unanimous selection, offensive lineman
Played in the Shrine Bowl for the South Squad
Over the final 41 games of career, or junior and senior seasons, tallied 153 points and 89 rebounds
Finished third at the Hawkeye 10 Conference for the No. 2 teams in doubles
Power hitter for the Panthers
Led 2022 team with three home runs, 18 RBIs
Went 9-of-11 on base stealing in 2022
Went 108-of-109 in fielding
Threw one base runner out