Changes to John J. Harris wrestling tournament announced

Prestigious wrestling tournament to go on as planned, but slightly different

EDITORS NOTE (Jan. 8, 2:20 p.m.): After Gov. Kim Reynolds’ latest proclamation, Southwest Valley will not be limiting attendance numbers per athlete at further sporting events, but will continue to follow mask and social distancing rules set out by the Governor. The John J. Harris Tournament will not change its current schedule, but will allow as many people inside the main gym as possible while keeping spectators and student athletes safe.

Changes have been announced for the 66th annual John J. Harris Wrestling Tournament at Southwest Valley High School this season.

The tournament will see 22 teams travel to Corning to compete in the prestigious tournament across two days, Friday, January 22 and Saturday, January 23.

As is for all regular season winter sports events, no one with symptoms of the COVID-19 illness are allowed to attend. All wrestlers competing are allowed two spectators, meaning the maximum number of tickets allowed by each school will be 14 for each day of the tournament.

“Please understand that we are trying to provide a safe environment for the wrestlers, coaches, workers and spectators,” Southwest Valley’s athletic director Allen Naugle said in a press release. “... We are trying to keep our capacity numbers down the best we can!”

Teams will allow 14 wrestlers, three coaches, two managers and one bus driver entrance each day. Face coverings are required by all attending, the release said.

Spectators for respective teams will be asked to spread out as much as possible, despite parts of the stands being used by wrestlers.

“We will not block off areas of the bleachers and it is up to the fans to assume their own risk by using the bleachers,” said the release. “The first two rows of bleachers will only be allowed for players, coaches, team personnel and Southwest Valley staff members to sit on. We will have signs to help keep fans back from the players. Please be mindful of the fact that we are trying to create as much space for everyone to spread out”

Coolers will not be allowed in the stands and are requested to be left in the concession area. Spitting is prohibited, and those who do not follow guidelines will be asked to leave immediately.

“The safety of our players, coaches, officials and fans is our number one priority,” said the release. “Please help us ensure that everyone is cooperating so that we all can enjoy the games!”

Also to ensure safety and sanitization, mats will be cleaned often and when necessary and non-contact water stations will be made available. Locker rooms will be made available, along with showers, but they will not be locked and bags are requested to not be left there due to sanitary reasons.

Additional information

One of the biggest changes of the event will be its time schedule.

This year the entire tournament will run through weights 106-145 on Friday night, with weight-ins starting at 2 p.m. and the championship matches starting at about 6:45 p.m. Consolation matches and placing matches will run simultaneously as weight classes are worked through.

For Saturday, weights 152-285 will be designated to weigh in at 9 a.m., with championship matches starting at approximately 1:45 p.m.

Those who lose in the first round will be eliminated to accelerate the process and to not hit match limits. Once the field for each weight is reduced to an 8-man bracket, it will proceed as normal.

The main gym will not be open to spectators on Friday until 2 p.m. and on Saturday until 9 a.m. Events will run ahead of schedule if possible, with times after the start being approximate. A schedule will be provided on-site.

According to the December 17th rankings published by The Predicament, this year’s competition will feature 25 ranked grapplers. Thirteen of the 14 weight classes will have a ranked wrestler, with multiple weights featuring two or more ranked wrestlers.

Winners in prior years include Creston/O-M in consecutive years from 2012 to 2016. The Panthers also won in 2006 through 2008. In 2020, Winterset won as a team for the first time since 2005.

Teams that will be present in the CNA coverage area include Bedford/Lenox, Creston/O-M, Mount Ayr, Nodaway Valley and Southwest Valley. Osceola Sentinel Tribune-area schools include both Clarke and Central Decatur.

Other notable schools that will be present are Atlantic, Red Oak, Winterset and Riverside.