March 03, 2025


Creston Airport, regular meeting, 6 p.m., March 13, Creston Mealsite

Agenda: approval of agenda; review of Nov. 14 minutes; review of claims for Nov. 16 - March 8; public forum; appointment with Bolton & Menk to discuss current and future airport projects; other items

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Southwestern Board of Directors, regular meeting, 5:30 p.m. March 14, Southwestern Community College

Agenda: consideration of minutes of Feb. 14 regular meeting; consideration of consent agenda items: tentative agenda, payables; action items: set date for public hearing for FY 2024 budget, consideration of dormitory room and board fees and deposit, board member resignation, appointment to subcommittee to fill board member vacancy, personnel; discussion of redistricting maps; discussion of monitoring process; president’s report: commencement, other; board members’ reports: Community College’s for Iowa, other; adjournment; dinner approximately 6 p.m. in board room.

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Creston City WaterWorks regular meetings, 5:30 p.m., March 14, WaterWorks board room, 820 S. Park. Agenda: approve minutes, approve audit committee report; approve bills; public comments; approve pay app #13 for 12 Mile treatment plant project; discuss city billing agreement; budget amendment; discuss account 306 N. Spruce; regular water works business; adjourn.

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Executive Committee Meeting SIRHA 10 a.m., March 15, 219 N. Pine. Agenda: reading of the Feb. 15, 2023 minutes; Approval of agenda; Financial reports; Review of project accounts; Review of budget control; Communications; Reports, project status report 1; Section 8 reports; Utilization report; Section 8 waiting list; Family self sufficiency utilization/narrative; Inspection report; Public housing reports; Maintenance update; Public housing utilization; North Taylor Court Apartments; Autumn House; Project status; RAC report, Feb. 6, 2023, RAC meeting, open RAC ballots; Report on SIRHA, Inc., financial reports, utilization report, staff meeting report, Feb. 22, 2023; Public comment; Unfinished business; New business; Adjournment.