March 03, 2025


Green Hills AEA Board of Directors’, Facility Review Committee meeting, 4:15 p.m. April 26, prior to regular board meeting, Green Hills AEA, 212 Coolbaugh Street, Red Oak.

The review committee will meet with Jamie Reed, Supervisor of Facilities; Dave Fringer, Executive Director of Technology, Media and Operations; Chad Bartlett, Director of Organizational Strategy, Improvement and Equity. Roofing bids for Halverson Roofing Project will be considered by the committee; Workplace task force report will be heard, no formal action will be taken at this meeting.

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Green Hills AEA Board of Directors, regular meeting, 5:30 p.m., April 26, Green Hills AEA, 212 Coolbaugh Street, Red Oak. Zoom Meeting ID 98680677329 passcode: 458822

Agenda: Approval of agenda; approval of minutes; open forum; board presentation, Targeted Services - Rising Hope Academics and Master Social Workers; board presentation - Field Directors; presentation of administrative procedure revision; HR personnel update for 2022-23; personnel items; consideration of the 2022-25 employment contract for the chief administrator; financial reports; agreements, contracts, and lease agreement; award of bid for Halverson Center Roofing projects; review and consideration of the agency mileage reimbursement rate; administrative board reports, board committee and other reports, administrative reports - Future Ready Symposium, May 3-4, computer science curriculum and professional development grants, technology cooperative purchase for districts, SWIA Mental Health and Disabilities Services region grant, Iowa West Foundation Preschool grant; other business; time and place of next meeting.

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Adair County Board of Supervisors, regular session, 9 a.m., April 27, Adair County Courthouse board room.

Agenda: Minutes; claims; taxable mileage; Child abuse prevention grant draw down; Mandy Berg, County Auditor, FY 22 budget Amendment, Set Public Hearing for FY22 budget amendment, $5,000 general obligation Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 2022 - Resolution appointing paying agent, bond registrar, and transfer agent, approving the paying agent and bond registrar and transfer agent agreement and authorizing the execution of the agreement, resolution authorizing and providing for the issuance and levying a tax to pay the bonds, approval of the tax exemption certificate and continuing disclosure certificate; Nick Kauffman - County Engineer, Row contract N5 Richlands Bridge, 305th Lane Discussion, report of maintenance and activities.

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Lenox Community School District Board of Education, special session, 6 p.m., April 27, Lenox High School board room

Agenda: Adoption of agenda; Roll call vote to go into closed session under section 21.5.1E - “To conduct a hearing to determine whether to expel a student”; Roll call vote to return to open session (done in closed session); roll call vote to go into closed session under section 21.5.1.C - “to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation”; Roll call vote to return to open session (done in closed session); Motion to approve or deny request from administration to expel student and/or set other disciplinary action; adjourn.

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Union County Board of Health, regular meeting, 8 a.m. April 28, Union County Emergency Management, 705 E. Taylor, Creston, or via ZOOM, Meeting ID 838 7267 9903 Passcode 984151.

Agenda: Approval of agenda; approval of March meeting minutes; correspondence; Agency reports: American Lung Association - Kirsten Johnson, semi annual update, EveryStep Homecare - Tyra Stull, monthly report, Union County Emergency Management - Jo Duckworth, director, monthly update; Departmental reports: Zach Woods, PH Director and Emergency Preparedness, GRH community reinvestment, local public health system survey, public health HHS merger information, contract amendment to Local Public Health Services Agreement - updates to PHEP funding - Action Item; Robin Sevier - RN - Public Health, monthly report, DHS/IDPH alignment updates, conflict of interest; Union County Environmental Health - Amanda Husband, monthly report, approval of FY23 wage for staff, variance request for 2148 Spring Valley Lake Drive; Next meeting will be held 8 a.m. May 26 at the EMA building conference room and via zoom.

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