Creston Police report - March 14, 2025

police lights

Troy E. McKinney, 61, of Creston, was taken into custody 6:55 p.m. March 12, in the 500 block of North Division Street on a Union County warrant for the charge of OWI, second offense.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 10:49 p.m. Feb. 14, a traffic stop was conducted on a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix at Broad Street for an equipment violation. Contact was made with the driver, identified as McKinney, who showed signs of impairment.

McKinney admitted to having smoked marijuana earlier that day. He consented to field sobriety and ARIDE testing and showed clues of impairment during both.

McKinney was transported to the Union County Law Enforcement Center where he consented to provide a urine specimen for chemical testing. A lab report indicated a positive presence of methamphetamine and marijuana.

McKinney was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from after posting 10% of a $2,000 bond.

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Carrie N. Pendegraft, 46, of Creston, was taken into custody 9:42 p.m. March 13, at Highway 34 and Vine Street on the charge of driving while license denied or revoked.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 9:37 p.m. a traffic stop was conducted on a 2002 Honda Accord for an equipment violation. Contact was made with the driver, identified as Pendegraft, who provided officers with an ID card and told them she believed her license status was suspended. Officers ran her information and discovered her license was revoked due to a prior OWI.

Pendegraft was transported to the Union County Jail where she was released from after posting $1,000 cash or surety bond.