Creston Police report - Sept. 26, 2024

police lights

Isaac W. Hayes, 26, of Creston, was taken into custody 3:25 p.m. Sept. 25, in the 800 block of West Adams Street on the charges of violation of a protective/no contact order; harassment, second degree; harassment, third degree and possession of drug paraphernalia.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 2:48 p.m. officers were witness to a female receiving a phone call from Hayes. Hayes had called the female more than eight times in a 10 minute period and sent numerous texts to the female without any purpose.

Hayes was located at a residence where the protected party of a no contact order against Hayes resides and who was present at the time. A marijuana grinder was observed sitting on a table near where Hayes was seated. Hayes made admissions to the grinder being his. During his contact with officers, Hayes threatened physical harm to an officer multiple times. He also told the officer he knew where he lived and to watch out when he got out of jail.

Hayes was transported to the Union County Jail and held without bond until seen by the magistrate.

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Robbie A. Dohrn, 60, of Creston, was taken into custody 5:49 p.m. Sept. 25, at Rainbow Park on the charge of driving while barred.

According to a Creston Police report, officers observed Dohrn driving a 2001 Chrysler Town and Country in an alley near the intersection of Fremont and Birch streets. Officers knew Dohrn had a barred driver’s license.

A traffic stop was conducted and the driver was confirmed to be Dohrn.

Dohrn was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from after posting $2,000 cash or surety bond.

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Patrick R. Iiams, 30, of Creston, was served 5:50 p.m., Sept. 25, while incarcerated in the Union County Jail on a Union County warrant for the charge of violation of probation.

According to an Iowa Department of Correctional Services report, on June 21, Iiams was sentenced to two years in prison after being convicted of domestic abuse assault - impeding the flow of air or blood. The sentence was suspended with two years of probation. Iiams violated the terms of his probation on July 24, Iiams was arrested on outstanding warrants and was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. After being released from jail on July 26, Iiams failed to have any contact with his probation officer until Aug. 20. On Sept. 20, Iiams was charged with multiple assault and drug related charges by Creston Police Department.

Iiams continues to be held in the Union County Jail. There is no bond on the new charge.