Creston Police report - Sept. 23, 2024

police lights

Patrick R. Iiams, 30, of Creston, was taken into custody 3:16 p.m. Sept. 20 at Sycamore and Montgomery streets on the charges of disorderly conduct; assault on persons in certain occupations - intent of injury; criminal mischief, second degree; interference with official acts - inflict serious injury; possession of a controlled substance - marijuana, first offense; possession of drug paraphernalia; assault on persons in certain occupations - no injury and possession of a controlled substance - methamphetamine, second offense.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 3:16 p.m. officers responded to a reported fight between Iiams and another individual in the 1700 block of West Townline Street. Iiams was located walking in the area and had blood on him and a laceration to the head. He was detained and placed in handcuffs.

While speaking to officers about the incident Iiams became upset. He stood up and a struggle with officers started during which he head-butted an officer. Iiams was transported to the hospital, checked out and released to law enforcement.

While walking with officers to a patrol vehicle, Iiams became upset again and resisted. He head-butted another officer which caused a laceration to the officer’s left eye, requiring six stitches. Eventually Iiams was transported to the law enforcement center where he continued to fight and resist. Officers deployed a taser. During transport, Iiams kicked the rear door of a patrol vehicle causing more than $1,500 in damage.

Iiams was searched and substances consistent with marijuana and methamphetamine and a pipe were located. One substance field tested positive for methamphetamine. In January 2021, Iiams was convicted of possession of a controlled substance in Union County.

Iiams was transported to the Union County Jail and held on $19,000 cash bond.

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Curtis A. Nish, 32, of Thayer, was taken into custody 2 a.m. Sept. 21, at the Union County Law Enforcement Center on the charges of OWI, first offense and carrying of a dangerous weapon while under the influence.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 1:10 a.m. a 2010 Chevrolet Silverado was stopped on Highway 34/Taylor Street for speeding. Contact was made with the driver, identified as Nish, who admitted to having a few drinks earlier in the evening. Nish consented to field sobriety testing and showed clues of impairment. A PBT showed Nish to have a BrAC of above .08%.

Nish was transported to the law enforcement center where he consented to provide a breath specimen for chemical testing. The result of the test indicated Nish to have a BAC of .099%. A handgun belonging to Nish was found in the front seat of the truck between the driver’s seat and center console.

Nish was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from on his own recognizance on a promise to appear.

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Scott W. Lemon, 42, of Creston, was taken into custody 5:51 p.m. Sept. 21, at his residence on a Union County warrant for the charge of violation of parole.

According to an Iowa Department of Correctional Services report, Lemon was placed on parole supervision Jan. 24, since then Lemon has failed to maintain full-time, verifiable, tax paying employment. In addition, Aug. 8 a saliva test of Lemon showed a positive result for methamphetamine and on Sept. 18 Lemon was charged with theft, fifth degree and forgery by the Creston Police Department.

Lemon was transported to the Union County Jail and held without bond.

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Mika M. Luddington, 42, of Creston, was taken into custody 2:07 a.m. Sept. 23, at the Union County Law Enforcement Center on the charges of OWI, second offense and possession of drug paraphernalia.

No details of the charges were available.

Luddington was transported to the Union County Jail where she was released from after posting $2,300 cash or surety bond.