Creston Police report - Sept. 9, 2024

police lights

Camory Hall, 19, of Independence, Missouri, was taken into custody 3:11 a.m. Sept. 7, on Student Drive on the charge of possession of a controlled substance, first offense.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 2:46 a.m. a 2009 Ford Fusion with extremely dark tinted windows was observed northbound on Lincoln Street. The Fusion turned into the Southwest Community College parking lot and parked near the Spartan Hall dorm. Officers approached the car and made contact with the driver, identified as Hall.

When Hall rolled down his window, the odor of marijuana was detected. Hall was asked how much marijuana was in the car and said there was just a burnt end of a joint. A probable cause search was conducted. A backpack was located on the passenger floor board with numerous empty marijuana packages inside. One package contained approximately 3 grams of a green leafy substance consistent with marijuana.

Hall was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from after posting $1,000 cash or surety bond.

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Danny R. Bird Jr., 55, of Creston, was taken into custody 8:25 a.m. Sept. 7, at the Union County Law Enforcement Center on a Union County warrant for the charge of violation of a no contact/ protective order.

According to a Union County Sheriff’s Office report, a female in which there is an active protection order between she and Bird, contacted deputies and reported Bird had violated the order multiple times. On Aug. 3 Bird sent three photos to the victim and left voicemails on the victim’s phone Aug. 7 and Aug. 11.

Bird was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from on his own recognizance on a promise to appear after seeing the magistrate.

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Noah A. Young, 25, of Creston, was taken into custody 1:57 p.m. Sept. 7, in the 900 block of North Sumner Street on the charge of possession of drug paraphernalia and a Union County warrant for the charge of theft, fifth degree.

According to a Creston Police report, Young was observed walking on North Sumner Street. A check of his information indicated he had an active warrant for his arrest. The warrant was confirmed and Young was taken into custody. Young told officers he had a marijuana pipe on his person. A search located numerous items of paraphernalia.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 4:36 p.m. Aug. 16, Young was in Fareway Grocery Store and put a bakery item under his sweatshirt. He paid for two other items before leaving the store but not the concealed item. Young had left the store prior to officer’s arrival and a warrant was requested.

Young was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from on his own recognizance on a promise to appear after seeing the magistrate.

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Charles L. Harris, 55, of Creston, was taken into custody 10:51 p.m. Sept. 7, at Lincoln Street and Manor Drive on the charge of OWI, first offense.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 10:25 p.m. a 2014 Chevrolet Cruz was stopped after being observed driving northbound in the middle of Lincoln Street. Contact was made with the driver, identified as Harris, who had slurred speech and watery, bloodshot eyes. Harris did not have a valid license.

He admitted to having two and a half beers earlier in the night. Harris consented to field sobriety testing and showed validated clues of impairment. A PBT showed Harris to have a BrAC of over .08%. Hall was transported to the Union County Law Enforcement Center where he consented to provide a breath specimen for chemical testing. His test result showed a BAC of .133%.

Harris was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from after posting $1,000 cash or surety bond.

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Alec W. Hennings, 20, of Creston, was taken into custody 12:05 a.m. Sept. 8, at Jefferson and Bureau streets on the charge of OWI, first offense.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 11:24 p.m. Sept. 7, officers observed a 2007 Pontiac G6 parked in the road blocking the normal flow of traffic. Contact was made with the driver, identified as Hennings, to see if he was in need of assistance. Hennings told officers he was looking for his apartment. While officers were turning around to better position the patrol car behind the G6, Hennings drove away.

A traffic stop was then initiated. During the stop, Hennings was observed to have droopy eyelids, slurred speech and bloodshot eyes. Hennings also had a grey/green film on his tongue, was visibly nervous, his carotid artery was visibly pulsing from his neck and his shirt was shaking around his stomach, consistent with individuals who are under the influence of marijuana.

When asked when he had last smoked marijuana, Hennings became silent. Hennings refused all field sobriety and ARIDE tests. After being transported to the Union County Law Enforcement Center, Hennings refused to provide a urine sample for chemical testing.

Hennings was transported to the Union County Jail where he was released from his own recognizance on a promise to appear after seeing the magistrate.

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David W. Kemp, 54, of Creston, was taken into custody 2:09 a.m. Sept. 8, at his residence on a Union County warrant for the charge of failure to appear on the original charge of violation of probation and was additionally charged with possession of a controlled substance - methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.

According to a Union County District Court document, Kemp was to appear in court Sept. 6 on the original charge and did not.

According to a Creston Police report, officers observed Kemp, who was known to have an active arrest warrant, walking near Adams Street. Kemp ran from officers and went into his apartment in the 600 block of West Adams Street. Eventually Kemp came to the door and was taken into custody. A search of his person resulted in locating three pipes containing methamphetamine residue, three baggies and a plastic container with methamphetamine.

Kemp was transported to the Union County Jail and held on $4,000 cash or surety bond.

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Kayden L. Witt, 24, of Creston, was taken into custody 2:34 p.m. Sept. 8, at his residence on a Union County warrant for the charge of violation of probation.

According to an Iowa Department of Correctional Services report, Witt was sentenced in April 2020 to 10 years in prison which was suspended with five years of probation after being found guilty of sexual abuse, third degree.

During an appointment with probation Aug. 21, it was discovered Witt had violated the terms of his probation multiple times. Witt admitted to having contact with children he was not approved to have contact with, including having photos of the unapproved children. Witt had multiple apps on his phone which had not been registered with Iowa Sex Offender Registry. He admitted to using his phone to watch pornography and to deleting his browsing history to hide it.

Witt has made no payments toward his supervision fees and has not participated in mental health services as recommended via his psych evaluation.

Witt was transported to the Union County Jail and held on $10,000 cash or surety bond.

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Johnnie T. Lovell, 44, of Creston., was taken into custody 3:04 p.m. Sept. 8, at his residence on the charge of driving while suspended.

According to a Creston Police report, Lovell was observed driving a four-wheeler at Birch and Howard streets and has a suspended license.

Lovell was cited and released at the scene on a summons to appear.

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Abel O. Martinez, 41, homeless, was taken into custody 8:39 p.m. Sept. 8, in the 600 block of North Elm street on the charges of burglary, third degree - vehicle; domestic abuse assault causing bodily injury and three counts of violation of a no contact/protective order.

According to a Creston Police report, at approximately 6 p.m., Martinez went to the residence of a female who has two active protection orders with him. Martinez found the female in a vehicle out back of the residence and got in the car. The victim told Martinez to get out and refused to give him a ride. Martinez punched the victim in the nose, causing her nose to bleed profusely.

At approximately 7:15 p.m., Martinez entered a car not belonging to him at Casey’s General Store on Taylor Street and took change out of it. The owner of the vehicle witnessed the event.

At approximately 7:20 p.m., Martinez went back to the residence where the protected party was with prior knowledge the victim was there.

He returned to the residence again at approximately 8:30 p.m. and barricaded himself in a detached garage on the property before being taken into custody.

Martinez was transported to the Union County Jail and held without bond until seeing the magistrate.