Adair County arrest report - June 3, 2024

police lights

Ronald J. Schaecher, 57, of Greenfield, was taken into custody at approximately 12:17 a.m. May 28, at his residence on the charge of domestic abuse assault causing bodily injury, first offense.

According to a Greenfield Police report, at approximately 11:38 p.m. May 27, a female went to the Greenfield Police Department to report an assault which had taken place at approximately 11 p.m. The female stated she and Schaecher had been involved in a verbal argument that escalated to a physical one when the victim began to pack some of her items so she could leave.

She told officers Schaecher punched her in the face with a closed fist. Officers observed a red mark near the victim’s left eye.

Officers then went to Schaecher’s residence and took him into custody. He was transported to the Adair County Jail where he was released from after posting $1,000 cash or surety bond, 10% acceptable.

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Luke D. Hommes, 39, of Adair, was taken into custody 12:45 a.m. May 30, at his residence on the charge of assault causing bodily injury or mental illness.

According to an Adair Police report, at approximately 11:52 p.m. May 29, Hommes went a residence on the 300 block of Stuart Street and punched an adult male with a closed fist. The assault caused injury to the right side of the victim’s face and knocked a wisdom tooth loose.

Officers located Hommes in a tree at his residence. He was transported to the Adair County Jail where he was released from after posting $1,000 cash or surety bond.

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Norma D. Purscell, 41, of Cumberland, was taken into custody 2:22 a.m. June 1, on the charges of possession of a controlled substance - methamphetamine, first offense; driving while license denied or revoked and possession of drug paraphernalia.

According to a Stuart Police report, at approximately 12:02 a.m. a traffic stop was conducted on a 2009 Subaru Impreza for expired registration. Contact was made with the driver, identified as Purscell, who provided officers with an insurance card, license and registration. After running her information, it was discovered Purscell possessed a temporary restricted license (work permit/interlock device required) and her normal operating status was revoked. Officers also made contact with her insurance company who advised her policy was not valid.

Purscell told officers she did not have the required interlock device installed on the Subaru. A valid registration sticker was displayed on the plate, which was not issued to the vehicle. Purscell said her ex-boyfriend had put it there to help her out.

While speaking with Purscell, a Guthrie County K9 arrived at the scene to offer assistance. Purscell was observed to be speaking fast and acting nervous and jittery. The K9 was deployed for an open air sniff of the vehicle A positive alert was given by the K9 for the odor of narcotics coming from the vehicle.

A probable cause search of the vehicle was completed but no narcotics were located. Purscell was later asked if she minded emptying her pockets. She then admitted she had a pipe in her pocket and claimed it to belong to her ex-boyfriend. The pipe contained a burnt crystalline residue. Purscell also pulled a small baggie out of her pocket which contained a crystalline substance, known to officers to be methamphetamine.

Purscell was transported to the Adair County Jail where she was released from on her own recognizance on a promise to appear.

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Emily E. Lewin, 22, of Scribner, Nebraska, was taken into custody June 1, on the charges of OWI, first offense and assault on persons in certain occupations. Lewin was cited for failure to provide proof of financial responsibility (no proof of insurance), failure to maintain control and open container - driver 21 years old and older.

According to an Iowa State Patrol report, at approximately 11:03 p.m. law enforcement responded to a motor vehicle accident at the eastbound lane of Interstate 80, mile marker 83. Troopers located a 2021 Mazda CX-30 in the ditch between the roadway and the offramp. The driver, who was still sitting in the driver’s seat of the running Mazda, was identified as Lewin. She appeared extremely intoxicated, had slurred speech and a strong odor of alcohol coming from her person.

Lewin declined medical attention to medics, who arrived at the scene shortly after the trooper. Lewin consented to and failed field sobriety testing. A PBT indicated Lewin’s BrAC at .333%.

While interacting with troopers, Lewin spit on two of them and kicked one trooper in his genitals while he attempted to get her out of the patrol unit. Lewin refused to provide a breath specimen for chemical testing.

After being medically cleared at the Perry Hospital, Lewin was transported to the Dallas County Jail where she was released from after posting $1,000 cash or surety bond.