Ryan W. Feldhacker, 43, of Creston, was taken into custody 1:49 p.m. Sept. 13 in the 100 block of North Elm Street on an Iowa Department of Corrections warrant for the charge of violation of parole.
According to an Iowa Department of Correctional Services report, Feldhacker violated the terms of his parole beginning Oct. 6, 2022 when he tested positive and admitted to use of methamphetamine and THC. He tested positive for methamphetamines six additional times and for THC once more in testing done through Aug. 23. Feldhacker lost his job June 15, was unsuccessfully discharged July 29 from substance abuse treatment and was charged Sept. 3 in Union County with OWI, first offense, driving while suspended and possession of a controlled substance - marijuana, first offense.
Faldhacker was transported to the Union County Jail and held without bond.