October 18, 2024

LETTER: Freedom fighters don’t give up

Hartford Jackson

Adams County

Studying history can be a valuable learning tool.

Communism uses the natural human desire for calmness and peace against the masses by doing as they, the communists, please, for “the greater good of the masses,” and the masses eventually stay silent for the sake of that human desire for peace and calm.

Currently, in my opinion, the Adams County Board of Supervisors, is acting as an authoritarian or totalitarian system of leadership. We are the masses. They are imposing their will on Adams County for “the greater good of the people” (the masses), just like good little communists would. The “masses” in a communist regime eventually give up for the sake of their personal peace and calm. We have seen that in the people that have got weary and say, “Battling does no good,” “I spoke and they will do what they do”, “They did it to me, I’m done”, “Do you understand who you’re up against?”, “I hate to fight”, and so on.

In my opinion, we are living a communist scenario. (I expect the board of supervisors would mostly be surprised that we are living a communist scenario. Invenergy is the wind turbine company and currently, they have the board’s ear.) We either personally keep rejecting communism or we become part of the good little masses. No matter how dark it gets, no matter what crumbs they hope to pacify us with, no matter how they intend to silence the masses, we keep standing.

God’s freedom fighters don’t give up!

We were given our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by God, not by any man.

I’m standing on that rock, immovable and strong.

Attend those board of supervisors meetings. Text the board. Call the members.They are to represent we, the people, not impose their will on the masses “for our own good” or “sacrifice some of us for the greater good.”

Stand on the rock of freedom.

It is never too late to start doing the right thing.