October 18, 2024

LETTER: A different opinion

Bill Magers


In a recent column in the Creston News Advertiser the columnist was expressing her opinion on transgender athletes competing in sports. She mentioned “Lia” Thomas, the male athlete that has competed in girls swimming events. According to the artcile he has been banned from competing in at least some girls sports. She said. “It breaks my heart that someone so talented and passionate is not allowed to compete anywhere.”

As far as I was able to find out, when he competed in boy’s events he was a somewhat average athlete. As far as not being able to compete anywhere, he’s a male and should still be able to compete in male events.

I’m sure Mr. Thomas has issues and confusion over his gender identity. Ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden the world has been flawed and imperfect. Some people are born blind or with missing limbs. There are all kinds of abnormalities people have to deal with every day.

How many guus would be allowed to go into a girls’ locker room, undress and shower with them? Yet one guy says, “Hey, I’m a girl,” and so are we supposed to just say, “Sure, go on in?”

What if he thought he was a bird and jumped off a 100-foot cliff with his arms spread out expecting to glide safely to the ground? How do you think that would work out? I think he would be disappointed to say the least. Because in spite of what a person thinks, they are what they are born as, male or female with all the flaws that come with it.

If there is no difference in the male and female body, why have we had separate boys and girl’s sports for all of these years? Why not just put them all together, male, female and transgenders?

The columnist says we are making a mount out of a molehill, as only .005% of the college athletes are transgender. She is implying that a small percentage of unfairness is OK. Ask the females that htis guy is competing against if it is a mountain or a molehill. I think they will have a different opinion.