June Bower, Creston
I have to agree with the recent letter to the editor that “things have changed very radically,” but, not for the same reasons.
Instead of the negative and distorted views expressed by the writer, the country is now recovering – radically -- from the dismal four years of the Trump administration. Every day, I hear someone express gratitude that America dodged a bullet with the election of a different president. Almost overnight, the atmosphere and psyche of the nation improved dramatically, and the rest of the world literally breathed a huge sigh of relief. And it really helped to have Trump banned from Twitter and Facebook so that his hatefulness and lies aren’t continuing to tear the country apart.
I accept that Republicans aren’t happy with Democrats in charge of the House, Senate and presidency. That’s our two-party system, and I’m never happy when Republicans are in charge. Republicans and Democrats have very different views, and I decided long ago I could never be a Republican. I’ve never understood their fixation on taxes and wealth, and lack of compassion for those less fortunate, and they’ll probably never understand my concern for the poor and disadvantaged, or for immigrants wanting a better way of life, and black and brown people who have been unfairly treated since the founding of our nation. It seems like Republicans think of themselves as devoutly religious but concentrate mostly on other people’s “sins.” Democrats try to follow more closely the humility of Jesus in how to treat people, especially those in need.
I hear the complaints of those who don’t like President Biden’s appointments. These professionals, however, were fully vetted, publicly introduced, have the highest credentials based on education and experience, and won’t embarrass us with scandal and ineptitude. The description of them as “incompetent” hides the real complaint - that so many of them are strong women of color. It’s not surprising that Vice President Harris is already the target of their vitriol; Republicans are never going to like this strong woman of color.
And by the way, the Civil War eliminated the formal system of slavery, but anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to history knows that discrimination against blacks got worse. To think that freeing people from bondage turned white supremacists into tolerant, loving human beings just proves how badly more education about race relations is needed.