“The best way to judge a man’s character is to see how he treats people he does not have to treat well.” - H.L. Mencken
One of the things I really admire about President Donald Trump is how he goes out of his way to personally offer his condolences to people who have suffered misfortune. Think of how many times in the last few years we have seen Trump personally meet with people who have suffered enormous loss of loved ones. Trump has personally attended many funerals to show his sympathy for the loss of people that he did not know.
This is certainly not a common reaction of extremely wealthy and powerful men. Trump has very often demonstrated his sympathy and shared in the grief of those who have lost loved ones. The usual reaction is either to ignore the individuals involved and their suffering or to have an underling employee send a perfunctory card or letter of sympathy. Many times, in the past several years, it has been reported that Trump has personally attended the funeral of someone that he neither knew, nor had never heard of. This is not typical behavior for wealthy and powerful men.
Obviously, President Trump is a man of compassion. Obviously, President Trump demonstrates his love and sympathy for untimely death. He also shows his compassion for people suffering from the vicissitudes of life.
Another thing I admire about Trump is that he keeps his promises. During the recent presidential campaign, he made several promises.
Let’s look at some of President Trump’s campaign promises and see how he is doing so far.
Promise No. 1: “Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.” For the last four years, we have had a migration averaging over two million illegal migrants each year. Yes, we are historically a nation that has encouraged migration of people from all over the world. The United States of America has historically been a melting pot. New residents have come to the United States of America from all over the world. They came for many reasons. The best part of this long-term immigration has been that almost all of our new citizens have become “Americans.” They learned our language, obeyed our laws and have by-and-large became faithful citizens of the United States. Historically, within a generation, almost all immigrants have become “Americans.”
During the past four years, we have seen millions of people sneak into our country. Most had no intention of becoming part of our “melting pot.” Many had no means of support. They, instead, became participants of our generous financial aid program set up to provide assistance for our citizens who have fallen on hard times.
Trump has kept this promise. Our borders have been sealed. The influx of undocumented people has shrunk from tens of thousands daily to a few hundred monthly.
Promise No. 2: “Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history.” Starting with known criminals and gang members, President Trump has been arresting and deporting an average of 3,887 people a week between January 20 and March 11. The total number deported since his inauguration in January is 28,319 illegal immigrants.
That may seem to be a small number, but if you add the thousands of illegal border crossings daily that occurred during the last administration that have been prevented, we have a reduction of migrant invasion of tens of thousands a day. President Trump is concentrating on getting rid of some of the violent and criminal elements of the illegal immigrants already in our nation, as well as preventing the entrance of more illegal immigrants.
These are just two of the “promises made, promises kept” that our president is concentrating on. You can look for information about many more of Trump’s promises in future columns.
By the way, did you know that President Trump refuses to accept the $450,000 annual pay for the office of president?
Mike Lang, Member, Union County Republican Central Committee