January 02, 2025

OPINION: Keep them separate

Erin' it Out

Election season is a time of deep anxiety for many people, myself included. Though I’m sure people have always had issues with stress around important elections, this is one of the most important/stressful votes I’ve been around for.

My friends and family are well aware that I hate confrontation. This can be an issue when in the realm of politics, especially if you feel strongly about certain topics like I do. I get nervous to even state my opinion, as I don’t want it to feel like an invitation to argue.

And here’s the thing, I don’t think anything I say, or anyone says, right now will change any minds. With less than a week before the election, many people have already cast their ballots or feel strongly enough to not waver in their decision for next Tuesday.

However, I feel like I’m doing a disservice to myself and my peers if I don’t share how I feel going into the presidential election. Whether I like it or not, there are a group of people who read what I think every week, and I feel it’s my duty to share what I think will help this country.

Let’s start out with this. I am a proud Christian woman. I was raised in the church and attended Christian schools until college. One of the first things I did when I moved to town was find a church that would be best for me.

I am also a proud childless cat lady and strongly believe in the separation of church and state. People started coming to the United States so they could safely practice their own religion without being told by the government what they can and cannot practice. Trying to force Christian beliefs on all U.S. citizens goes against how this country was founded.

This leads me into the topic I normally avoid like the plague - abortion. The idea that life starts at conception is something that comes from Christian teachings. Science has not given a conclusive answer on when life begins. Other religions believe life starts at different points.

Jewish law states life only begins at birth and that abortion is not only permitted but required should a pregnancy endanger the life or health of the pregnant person. Islam teaches the soul enters the body 120 days after conception, aka four months. Therefore, abortion is allowed before that time. After, abortion is only allowed if the mother’s life is in danger. Additionally, more than a quarter of Americans have no religious affiliation. Why are we allowing rules about abortion that cater to the Christian religion, when there are millions of Americans that aren’t Christian?

Let’s say one does believe in life at conception. That still doesn’t mean a woman should be required to continue a pregnancy. In the United States, a dead person is not required to give up any part of their body, even if doing so is the only way to save a life.

However, in pregnancy, a living person has no choice but to give up their body to keep another alive. Why does a dead body have more rights than a pregnant person? For those that say, she shouldn’t have done the deed if she didn’t want a baby, remember that the right of a dead person to their own body includes all manners of death, even if they cause it themselves. No matter who is culpable, the right is still there.

And then there’s the issue of situations that endanger the woman’s life. With many states having severe laws in place that would criminalize performing abortions, doctors are hesitant to give life-saving health care.

Fourteen states only allow abortion in the case of rape or to save the life or health of the mother. There is no specific line regarding the mother’s health. How far does a situation have to be to allow an abortion? At least two women in Georgia alone have died after being unable to get abortions, leaving already living children without their mother.

There are so many more situations I could go into where abortion is necessary but no longer allowed. I simply don’t have the space or time to do so. Please do your research. I understand this is an emotional and hard issue, but women are unnecessarily dying.

While I certainly don’t have time to get into immigration, I just want to leave you with this - when Jesus was just a toddler, he fled with Mary and Joseph from his government to another country in secret. They were illegal immigrants. While you might not always agree with a person’s methods, remember to have grace.

Erin Henze

Originally from Wisconsin, Erin is a recent graduate from UW-Stevens Point. Outside of writing, she loves to read and travel.