An incident involving illegal dumping of garbage forced county resources to be put into cleaning a mess which could have been saved by a $10 visit to the dump.
On March 10, two farmers witnessed trash being flung from two vehicles passing by. Bed frames, microwaves and other trash items were dumped onto the side of county roads. The farmers followed these individuals to their residence and were able to report them to police. The issue was discussed and brought to the board during a Union County board of supervisors regular meeting on March 12.
“It was so ridiculous,” Supervisor Rick Friday said. “The farmers that I talked to were appalled that they had witnessed that.”
Union County Roads Superintendent Al Hysell reported the incident to the board, saying he’s been working with law enforcement to charge the violating individuals. Secondary roads, along with help from the farmers who reported the incident, worked to clear and haul the dumped trash. Three pickup loads carried the total garbage.
Hysell was frustrated at this incident and called it “aggravating,” especially in comparison to the option of sending trash to Prairie Solid Waste Agency, citing affordable fees.
“If they just went to the dump, it’s 10 bucks,” Hysell said.
Hysell reflected on the incident a week later during the March 19 regular meeting, saying how incidents like this exacerbate the efforts of what secondary roads is trying to accomplish.
“It took us three quarters of a day to do it,” Hysell said. “We could have been doing something. In fact, we were hauling rock that day... We’re not in the business of picking up trash.”