Union County proposes property tax levy

The "Inspire" mural on Cherry Street was noted as an "Insta-worthy Mural" in the 2025 Travel Iowa booklet.

A quiet Union County Board of Supervisors meeting produced the next fiscal year’s property tax levy rate. A public hearing has been scheduled before the board’s regular meeting at 9 a.m. March 26.

Last week’s regular meeting was originally scheduled for Wednesday, but was quickly rescheduled to Thursday after inclement weather closed the Union County Courthouse. Some items on the original agenda were tabled for the next regular meeting on March 12.

Union County has proposed a tax levy with a rural total rate of $11.99505. This is a drop of about 50 cents from last year’s budget, which was set at $12.50501, measuring at a 4.07% decrease.

“It’s a win-win all around; for the taxpayers, for us,” Union County Auditor Sandy Hysell said. “Keep it the status quo until ‘29.”

The board of supervisors praised the new levy. Both Supervisor Rick Friday and Supervisor Dennis Hopkins said the levy was good for the taxpayers. Friday hoped this would help the county fall on property tax rankings in Iowa.

“We’ve got the ability to grow,” Friday said. “Some counties don’t have that ability.”

Tax levy information proposed by Union County. Information includes the current year's property tax compared with the proposed tax.

In other Union County news...

Thursday’s public forum was attended by Creston Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ellen Gerharz, who presented the 2025 Travel Iowa booklet. The annual Travel Iowa booklet recommends locations across Iowa perfect for visiting. Gerharz noted every location from Union County or Creston in the booklet during her time.

The “Inspire” mural on Maple Street received a shoutout as an “Insta-worth Mural.” The businesses Hot Air Brewing, Willy’s Bar and Grill, Casa de Oro, The Country Oasis and the Creston Arts Gallery at the Restored Depot were mentioned. The Union County tradition Southwest Iowa Hot Air Balloon Days featured alongside other balloon days in Iowa.

Nick Pauly

News Reporter for Creston News Advertiser. Raised and matured in the state of Iowa, Nick Pauly developed a love for all forms of media, from books and movies to emerging forms of media such as video games and livestreaming.