In the first schedule change since 1989, Union County’s Board of Supervisors voted to change when regular meetings take place, choosing to swap to each Wednesday of the month. A resolution regarding supervisor organization confirming the schedule change was approved during Wednesday’s regular meeting.
The board had met on both Feb. 19 and Feb. 26, both Wednesdays, to avoid conflicts in scheduling. Wednesdays were noted to also avoid the majority of federal holidays which change the schedule of meetings during the week. Out of convenience to members of the board and to county employees, the board chose to move regular sessions to Wednesdays from this point on.
The new resolution edits the supervisor organization resolution which was approved at the beginning of this year on Jan. 6. The scheduling of meetings is the only thing changed in the organization portion.
Regular meetings will continue to take place at 9 a.m. on each Wednesday of the month. Special meetings can be scheduled at the board of supervisor’s discretion on Tuesdays.
Supervisor Rick Friday said the change will work better for the community while also showing the board isn’t afraid to make changes.
“It shows we’re not stuck in our ways,” he said.
The assessor’s board will discuss the Union County budget in a special meeting tonight at 5:30 p.m. at the Union County boardroom.
In other Union County news...
Union County Engineer Christian Boehmer presented a recommendation to hire an intern engineer for the summer. The resume and application of Cromwell native Gavin Millslagle was given to the board of supervisors. Boehmer said the opportunity of passing on engineering experience to the student was a strong goal and said the initial interview with Millslagle was productive.
Millslagle’s hiring was approved by the board at a rate of $15 an hour and will begin working for Union County over the summer on May 19.
Boehmer also presented a funding agreement for the construction costs of the 240th bridge and 265th bridge. The cost for the 240th bridge was estimated to be $1.2 million and the 265th bridge at $900,000. All construction funding for the project comes from state funding reimbursement.
During the meeting, Supervisor Dennis Hopkins requested Boehmer and Secondary Roads amend their portion of the Union County Handbook to replace language related to PTO and vacation days. The county had made changes to the handbook to give county employees uncategorized PTO, which will be added to the Secondary Roads addendum following board approval. The item will be added to the county’s agenda in a future meeting.
Union County Roads Superintendent Al Hysell in his weekly maintenance activity report said clearing storage of outdated equipment was going smoothly, with some of the historic items still looking for a taker. Hysell noted city maintenance was enjoying the warmer weather. Rock hauling to maintenance projects has been going smoothly thanks to the weather.
Union County Sheriff Brian Bolton presented an amended contract for Chief Deputy Dan McNeill. McNeill attended Wednesday’s meeting himself, commenting on how he has served in law enforcement for over 26 years since starting at the city of Afton in December 1997. McNeill’s contract gives a salary matching 85% of Bolton, with 5% added in longevity. The contract was approved and was activated immediately.
Bolton noted how him and McNeill have been partners in law enforcement for a long time, with Friday complimenting McNeill for the work he’s done serving Union County.
“The sheriff has a lot of confidence in you,” Friday said.