County mulls restarting railroad overpass discussion

Union County officials are considering talking to BNSF Railroad again about proposals to improve railroad overpasses, a 3-year-old discussion item that stalled.

During Monday’s Union County Board of Supervisor meeting, Roads Superintendent Al Hysell commented on the condition and confidence he has in the railroad overpass on Redwood Avenue southeast of Afton. The aging condition of the wood structure is one he is not confident in and avoids to use. Removing the bridge changes the travel routes of residents and landowners in the area.

“There is not a real good way for people to get out of there,” he said.

Hysell and Supervisor Chairman Dennis Hopkins did not rule out contacting BNSF to discuss what could happen.

“It wouldn’t hurt to start talking,” Hysell said. Hysell said county heavy equipment operators do not travel over the bridge.

Redwood overpass was part of a discussion among Union County, the town of Thayer and BNSF beginning 2021. No action was ever taken.

In 2021, the railroad suggested replacing the overpass on Redwood Avenue and remove an overpass in Thayer.

“BNSF’s submitted proposal to Union County is to replace the existing Redwood Avenue overpass to improve motorist traffic and increase public safety. This proposal also stipulates the removal of the 5th Avenue overpass once the work on Redwood Avenue is complete. In the proposal’s current form, BNSF will pay for the construction and removal costs associated with the project. Once the Redwood Avenue overpass is complete, Union County will assume ownership and maintenance responsibilities,” according to a statement from BNSF.

Hysell said having a new Redwood Avenue overpass would be ideal for traffic, but the county is not wanting to have additional bridges to maintain. Other, older bridges in the county are being replaced with culverts.

The 5th Avenue overpass is reference to one in Thayer. At that time, Thayer officials were concerned about not having the overpass for traffic flows and emergency situations. There is a ground-level rail crossing on 3rd Avenue in Thayer. Converting Third Avenue into an overpass would be a significant project knowing the proximity of the crossing to U.S. Highway 34. Third Avenue is a farm-to-market road maintained by the county.

Building an overpass on Third Avenue would be unique since the northbound approach to the crossing is on an incline. To meet requirements for a railroad overpass, the grade would be rather steep. The overpass would probably stretch from closer to U.S. Highway 34 and extend much farther into Thayer. The work would impact adjacent properties.

Discussions at the time, building an overpass on Fourth Avenue in Thayer would also need significant work to extend the street and regulations knowing the difference in elevations between the tracks and the surface of the street. Thayer’s revenue is nowhere strong enough to pay for the construction.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.