February 10, 2025

Creston FFA member named a state vice president


Creston Community High School FFA member and senior Tucker Rohrig has yet another chapter in his FFA career.

He was elected to the Iowa FFA state officer team during the state FFA convention last week in Ames. He will commit the next year serving the Iowa FFA Association as the south central vice president for the state and president of the district.

“I had to send in an application for it,” he said about the process to get the position.

Rohrig said it was a two-day day interview process,

“It was a long process with a written test, essay and 1-on-12 interview. It’s quite the deal.”

After all the information and interviews have been complete, FFA administration then nominates the applicants for the positions.

“That is where I was on the ballot as it gets figured out at state covnention.”

All nominees speak to the FFA delegates. Rohrig was appointed to south central vice president. He is one of six vice presidents as there are six districts in the state.

Including the six, there are nine total state FFA positions.

“Now, I learn the ropes and different events to plan,” he said about the one-year term.

Those events include leadership training, competitions and Greenhand for freshmen. That is the name used for high school freshmen learning the history and operation of FFA.

“We will also visit chapters across the state and then plan state convention in the end,” Rohrig siad.

Rohrig said he will be eligible to run for president next year. He has served at the district level during his high school years.

“It’s been an awesome experience. I have a good feeling about this team and what are we going to accomplish.”

Twenty-seven Creston FFA members, along with advisor Kelsey Bailey, were among over 6,900 members and guests who attended the 96th annual State FFA Leadership Conference April 15 and 16, in Ames. A highlight for the chapter was watching senior member

Creston FFA was busy with leadership contests while attending the conference. Leadership and skills contest participation include:

Tucker Rohrig, Extemporaneous Speaking – gold]

Veronica Lents, Hope Henderson, Davin Wallace, Josie Tallmon, Jace Purdum, Tom Mikkelsen, Kennedy Strider and Garrett Troutwine, Conduct of Meetings– bronze

Carley Sheil, Candace Zollman, Wyatt Barber and Christian White, Poultry Judging - gold

Hollynn Rieck and Sasha Wurster, Chapter Display - silver

Nolan Ide, Taylor Rohrig, Sidney Staver and Avery Staver, Team Ag Sales- silver

Terrance Taylor earned a bronze in the Greenhand FFA knowledge quiz .

In addition to contests, seniors Carson Rieck and Tyson Looney served as the chapter’s voting delegates and Tucker Rohrig facilitated FFA workshops with middle school students.

Three local FFA members: Ashlyn Baker, Tyson Looney and Carely Sheil, were awarded the Iowa FFA degree during the convention proceedings. This degree is the highest honor the Iowa FFA Association bestows upon its membership. Recipients of this honor must put forth great effort through involvement in course work, leadership and SAE achievement.

Many of the Cretson FFA members helped in the packaging of 200,000 meals for the statewide Iowa FFA philanthropy project. The Iowa FFA Association partners with Meals From the Heartland to package and distribute nutritious shelf stable meals that are shipped locally and globally.

Iowa State University and the College of Agriculture and Life Science hosted a barbecue for all members attending the conference. The barbecue was held at the Jeff & Deb Hansen Agriculture Student Learning Center. Many agricultural student organizations and current ISU students were present to visit with members about college life and getting involved in clubs and organizations to fit their interests. Following the barbecue was a fun night at the ISU Memorial Union where dancing, bowling, games and networking took place.

Nine new state officer leaders, including Rohrig, will live out their year of service speaking with FFA members from across the state, presenting leadership camps and workshops and traveling around Iowa and the United States. Rohrig will have the opportunity to take part in Iowa FFA Foundation activities, FFA District Leadership Programs, Iowa FFA Legislative Symposium, the National FFA Convention and a wide variety of FFA Career Development events. His largest responsibility will be to coordinate activities in the South Central Iowa District and conduct the 97th Iowa FFA Leadership Conference for more than 7,000 FFA members, advisors, parents and guests.

Creston FFA chapter contributed to this story.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.