September 25, 2024

SPFFC holds annual fundraiser

Two items donated by Lenox-native Spencer Brown are auctioned off Saturday during SPFFC's Sweetheart Dinner. From left: Auctioneer Chantz Davidson, SPFFC Director Denise Kuhns, SPFFC Assistant Director Ben Walker.

Despite the change in date, Southern Prairie Family Fitness Center’s annual event went off without a hitch last Saturday.

Originally scheduled for November, the yearly fundraiser was postponed to February due to the Creston High School football team’s success. Changed to the Sweetheart Dinner, the fundraiser welcomed almost 100.

Spencer's Steakhouse served prime rib and ham, with sides provided by the Eagles Club.

A dinner of prime rib or ham was served by Spencers, along with sides by the Eagles Club. These two organizations were far from the only local businesses to donate to the event. Various auction items were donated by a number of groups, including Southwestern Community College, BUNN, Greater Regional Health, Adams Street Country Lodge and more.

Thanks to these auction items, ticket purchases, a raffle and general donations, SPFFC was able to raise money for the scholarships, discounted programs and financial aid provided by the fitness center.

Almost 100 people attended SPFFC's annual dinner and auction.

SPFFC welcomed two speakers, artist and Union County Representative Ray “Bubba” Sorenson and Michelle Wilson, owner of Radiant Wellness Solutions.

Sorensen told a couple of stories, ranging from his childhood in rural Iowa, his work with the freedom rocks and how he became a politician. Much of his work connects back to his love of history, veterans and his country. This is what led him to run for the Iowa House.

“I get a call our [then] current state representative Clel Baudler. He said, what are you doing kid? I said, I’m painting a mural, Clel. Not now you’re not. Now you’re running for office. Clel wanted me to run for his seat as he was retiring,” Sorensen said. “The thought never really crossed my mind before. I was interested in history and politics, but I was never going to be stupid enough to put my name on the line.”

Despite that feeling, Sorensen started to think about what it would be like to run.

“I asked my family, who are Republicans, and I asked [wife] Maria’s family, who are Democrats. They both thought it would be a good idea, and I thought it would be a heck of a way to start out with bipartisan support,” Sorensen said.

He is serving his second term in the House, now for District 23 after restructuring, which includes parts of Union County.

Wilson spoke next, focusing on the power of connection. She mentioned the loneliness epidemic the U.S. Surgeon General advised on last year.

Michelle Wilson, owner of Radiant Wellness Solutions, spoke about the power of connections.

“Loneliness and isolation lead to greater risk of these things: cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, anxiety and suicide,” Wilson said. “The risk of loneliness, of feeling lonely and isolated, is horrible for our health. I think we all kind of innately know that. Humans are wired for connection.”

Wilson said places like Southern Prairie are great places to make connections.

“Facilities like Southern Prairie, like our libraries or our parks, are all parts of this social infrastructure that really weaves our community together,” Wilson said. “There’s children’s programming, there’s after school things, there’s things related to exercise classes, there’s pickleball tournaments, all kinds of fun stuff that happens there, and yet, I almost feel like the real magic that happens there is maybe even not the formal activities but the connections that those activities create.”

Wilson started teaching yoga at the fitness center in 2007. Since then, she has created her own studio where she leads classes on various types of yoga and health coaching.

Later in the night, SPFFC held a raffle drawing. Suzanne Johnston won the $1,000 grand prize.

The next fundraiser will be Southern Prairie’s annual golf outing. Set for Friday, Aug. 9, the event will be held at Crestmoor Golf Club.

Erin Henze

Originally from Wisconsin, Erin is a recent graduate from UW-Stevens Point. Outside of writing, she loves to read and travel.