February 03, 2025

Hospital board donates to food bank

Work progresses on the expansion of Greater Regional Health's lab and clinic. The view is looking north from the southwest corner of the facility. Work is scheduled to be complete in 2025.

Greater Regional Health Board approved Monday a $5,000 donation to Creston Community Food Bank.

“There is significant needs for items rather donated or purchased,” said Chief Executive Officer Monte Neitzel. “We feel this is needed for our entire community.”

The board also approved another $10,000 payment to the Bill Taylor Endowment Fund at Southwestern Community College. Taylor linked the college’s nursing program to Greater Regional during his time. The board had earlier approved a $50,000 endowment.

Greater Regional Health board approved Monday spending up to $170,000 for an alternate system to access electronic medical records should something catastrophic happen to the hospital or data system within the hospital.

“The amount of complexity we have, we wanted to remain functionality if things went down,” said Neitzel.

Hospital staff researched the purchase by talking with other hospitals have that have threats made to their computer and computer data systems.

In other equipment purchases, plans were approved to improve one of the ambulances because of age, use and advances in technology in the past 10 years. Work is priced at about $294,000. Prices for new ambulances start at about $400,000.

The board approved a public hearing during its meeting scheduled Jan. 22 for a bariatric isolation room. Bariatric room is staffed and equipped to provide needed care for obese patients. Bids are expected to be reviewed.

Three longtime employees are retiring this month. Registered nurse Joyce Johnson has been with the facility for 36 years. Sandy Stutzman, who has had different positions during her 42 years, will retire as a RN. Beth Burgmaier was in food service for 26 years.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.