October 18, 2024

Incoming mayor meets with Rotary

Incoming Creston Mayor Waylon Clayton, pictured here at the Creston City Council candidate forum, spoke Monday at Creston Rotary.

Incoming Creston Mayor Waylon Clayton met with Creston Rotary members Monday during its regularly scheduled meeting.

Clayton won the position in the Nov. 7 election and begins duties in January.

“I hear frustration with a lot of people,” he said about Creston people and their perception of local government. “People can get locked into a certain mentality.”

Highlighting his interests for Creston, Clayton said improving street surfaces is one of them. He said he will research how the city can improve streets in a more efficient way.

“Water is the reason why we have bad roads,” he said. The common freeze-and-thaw cycle breaks up street surfaces.

Clayton said he is also interested in finding ways for more police presence to reduce crime.

In the past year, there was plenty of debate and discussion about a rental property inspection plan. Clayton said he wold like the fire department more involved in rental inspections, as has been done in the past. He is also concerned about housing in Creston in general.

“Rentals are getting better,” he said about condition. “But some people have no place to afford,” he added how improvements made to rentals can reflect in increased rent. “There is a balance.”

After his term begins, Clayton said he is expecting to schedule office hours on Mondays in the Creston Restored Depot.

Clayton is a business owner with Little Green Trailer restaurant on Taylor Street which also offers catering. Clayton, along with other investors, recently opened 209 Broadway, a restaurant in Diagonal. Knowing the restaurant is in Ringgold County, Clayton said 209 Broadway has been a longtime interest of his. He also is considering opening other businesses in Creston. He has plans for a bakery.

In Creston Rotary Club news, new club T-shirts are expected this month. The club will begin reviewing its by-laws early next year.

Creston Rotary meets at noon the first and third Mondays of the month at Anson’s Bar and Grill. The club will not meet on New Year’s Day.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.