SIRWA asks for voluntary conservation

Due to various stages of drought and treatment plant capacity issues throughout its system, Southern Iowa Rural Water Association asked its customers Thursday afternoon to begin voluntarily reducing water consumption.

“We have about 11,600 customers,” said co-manager Brenda Standley.

Part of the request is from Creston Waterworks and its water quality issues earlier this week. For the past couple of year Creston Waterworks was improving infrastructure at 12 Mile Lake and the work finished this week. When the mechanics were put to use, the water quality issues were noticed. Creston Waterworks provides water for SIRWA. The water is still safe to use. Creston Waterworks is also working on a quantity issue as amounts produced are not reaching desired levels. Creston Waterworks is still meeting demands.

“We also are aware of odor and color in Greenfield and Osceola has been in voluntary water conservation before this incident,” Standley said. “All of this will be monitored day-to-day.”

SIRWA’s customers are in Union, Adams, Ringgold, Taylor, Adair, Clarke and Decatur counties. SIRWA is expecting to open its own water treatment plant next year.

Highly Recommended Voluntary Water Conservation Measures

  1. Reduce outdoor watering of all types between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.
  2. Car washing is highly discouraged, except at commercial establishments that provide that service.
  3. No water shall be used to fill private swimming pools, children’s wading pools, reflecting pools or any other outdoor pool or pond.
  4. No water shall be used to wash streets, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks or building exteriors.
  5. No water shall be used for nonessential cleaning of commercial and industrial equipment, machinery, and interior spaces.
  6. Water shall be served at restaurants only upon request of the customer.
  7. Voluntary reduction of water uses of all types is encouraged.

For additional information contact the SIRWA office at 641-782-5744.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.