February 12, 2025

What’s good for the county may not be for towns

In its ongoing review and research for potential changes to the county’s wind turbine ordinance, Union County Board of Supervisors Monday discussed what the county desires should not supersede what the towns like.

Supervisor Chairman Rick Friday said there has been discussion of his proposed 2 mile setback from all municipalities in the county. The ordinance states 1 mile. The increase was influenced by the Southwest Iowa Hot Air Balloon days event annually held in September. The event utilizes Creston’s airport, which is considered city property.

“The thing that came to light for me, if we do that for cities, and there are seven cities, then we would force them all if we put it as a county code. In reviewing, Afton already has a 2 mile zoning place as I understand it,” said Supervisor Dennis Hopkins reading from Afton’s city ordinances.

“As a county we want to do what’s right and what’s best, but I think every city then if we leave it at 1 mile, then they have the opportunity if they to want to as a city they can go that 2 miles. If they don’t want to for whatever reason, I don’t want to start overstepping what we restrict cities on. I think that the city’s job is to set their own,” said. Hopkins. “I am really comfortable being at a mile. Creston has balloon days, Lorimor doesn’t. "

Supervisor Dennis Brown was in agreement with Hopkins.

“I tend to leave it at the 1 mile. If they want to, for some reason 100-people in Arispe want to change it to 2 miles, let them do it,” he said.

Supervisor Rick Friday said he has received several calls about the setback issue. “Some of the residents see it as zoning,” he said. Friday referred to a solar-power project east of Creston planned for 2024 that is within the 2 mile radius.

Friday said he has contacted some Union County town representatives. He said Creston has no intention of zoning out 2 miles. “Maybe they will change their minds. Perhaps maybe we should just focus on the airport and let each city focus on their own setback.”

Hopkins fears a 2 mile limit may hamper another different project in the future.

“I don’t want to play volleyball,” he proverbially said about regularly changing distances.

Earlier this year, supervisors approved a suspension of new, industrial wind turbine projects in the county. Late last year, supervisors were informed of a proposed expansion of wind turbines in the county as related companies were contacting landowners. The suspension ends in December. The original ordinance goes back to 2020 when wind turbines were installed, mainly in the northwest corner of the county.

In other board news...

Road Superintendent Al Hysell said Ridge Drive should be open today. It had been closed for bridge work.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.