Streaming service added to library benefits

The Gibson Memorial Library is launching a new online service today for library members. Library patrons can log in to Kanopy, an on-demand streaming platform, using their library card.

This service was announced Monday night at the library board’s monthly meeting.

“You sign in and can watch as much as you want. It doesn’t cost the library any more no matter how much people watch,” library director Gabriel Chrisman said. “Kanopy is a growing service, so right now we have access to 6,500 movies and TV shows through that.”

Kanopy describes itself as “best video streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment.” Media on Kanopy includes indie films, documentaries, foreign films and numerous children’s shows.

“Download the app, sign in with their library card and it’s pretty much unlimited use,” Chrisman said. “My hope is it will be one of those things that brings more people in to get cards, and it will be something that introduces people to the other online services we have.”

The library’s addition of Kanopy was partly encouraged by the increase in numbers in almost every aspect of the library.

“June, which is the first month of the summer reading program, has pretty much every number up,” Chrisman said. “Up in general, but also over last year’s June. Circulating more books, having more people come in the door, having more people sign up for new cards... Pretty much everything is up.”

Programs and events associated with the summer reading program have had high attendance, with more than 1,200 people attending different events in June.

“Some of these events that the Friends of the Library have funded like the insect zoo and the Talewise program. Over 170 kids at each of those, which is great,” Chrisman said. “Immediately after that program we had a lot of those kids come right over. We’ve had some very busy times trying to manage all of that.”

In other library board news...

The library board is looking to fill two board trustee positions. Those interested should stop at Gibson Memorial to apply.

Progress on the pavilion is slowly moving along. A bid for concrete and an electrician have been made, while the board is still waiting on final numbers Romtec, an Oregon-based building design company.

The Friends of the Library Scholastic Book Fair took place on July 3 and 4. This is one of the major fundraisers for the Friends of the Library, which supports programs and new material at the library.

Erin Henze

Originally from Wisconsin, Erin is a recent graduate from UW-Stevens Point. Outside of writing, she loves to read and travel.