Access to funds may help courthouse elevator

Union County Board of Supervisors will further research improvements to the elevator in the courthouse potentially using funds from a charitable organization.

Jesse Bolinger told the supervisors Monday there is about $107,000 from Ticket to Work funds through Workforce Development that may be available for projects to help people with disabilities. The courthouse elevator, which has been noted for needing improvements, would be an eligible project according to Bolinger.

“We need to keep that elevator up to code,” he said. “I’d like to spend it.” Bolinger explained the funds, if not spent, must be returned by June 23. Bolinger is confident the elevator will comply with how funds can be used.

Bolinger said he provided application forms to the county to access the funds.

Supervisor Dennis Hopkins asked about the timing of the work and access to the funds. Bolinger was confident the money can be reserved as the county provides information about the work and funds will be used when an invoice is ready.

The county has received two different bids for the elevator. One bid was for $126,000. Hopkins made a motion to accept the offer by Bolinger, contingent upon approval of the use of funds. Supervisor Dennis brown second.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.