December 26, 2024

Greater Regional approves lab expansion

After two years of delays and distractions, Greater Regional Health’s board finally took action Monday on a proposed lab expansion and clinic work.

“This has been two years in the making, thank COVID, thank inflation. I don’t think the scope has changed, but the clinic has got bigger,” said Greater Regional Health Chief Executive Officer Monte Neitzel.

The board approved a bid explained by Graham Construction in Des Moines. The actual construction bid was $7.89 million. Adding, contingency, permits, insurance and other expenses, the total was $9.76 million. Architect fees, testings furniture and other building-related items at $2.21 million made a final amount of $11.98 million. The location for the expansion is part of the existing Medical Arts Plaza entrance. The work will eventually force the relocation of the board meeting room.

A representative from Graham Construction said the schedule is to begin work in late June or early July. He forecast a 20 months for completion; sometime in the first few months of 2025.

“You think it will take that long,” asked board member Jack Davis. “We were thinking maybe a year and-a-half, a year.”

The work will be done in phases with the majority of the exterior finished in 16 to 18 months.

“It’s a big project. What we have talked about for two to three years is the lab,” Davis said.

Other construction related work was also approved by the board.

The board scheduled a public hearing for 6:05 p.m. May 22, to review financial information related to opening a clinic in Greenfield. Late last year, the center acquired property on the west side of Greenfield’s square. When originally planned, the clinic was not scheduled to open until next year.

Flooring for east medical suites which goes back to 2008 will be replaced. A combined carpet and vinyl of 5,700 square feet was approved at $34,660.

The floor in the nicknamed “red hall” which is at least 25 years old, will be covered since the coloring can’t be removed at a manageable cost. Vinyl will be used to cover existing floor at a cost of $31,700.

New furniture for birthing center was approved at a cost of $34,873 from Pickett. The furniture is intended for use by family members for an extended stay in the room. The commercial-grade furniture is not locally available and is in use in other areas of the hospital. The furniture is expected to arrive in late summer.

Board member Tom Lesan was not in attendance. Dave Driskell attended via telephone.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.