Creston had several of its categories receive a 1 rating, the highest score possible, Saturday at the district large group speech contest at Creston.
Those receiving the rating were: Readers Theatre - “Zimzoozle’s Twister”; Choral Reading - “15 Minutes in a Madhouse”; One-Act Play - “Balcony Scene”; Musical Theatre - “Bonnie and Clyde”; Ensemble Acting - “All in a Night’s Work”; Ensemble Acting - “Action!”; Short Film - “P is for Peterson” and Radio Broadcasting - “KREP Kreep Radio.”
Those students will compete at the state contest Feb. 4 at Waukee High School.
Ensemble Acting - “Pet Shop Dynamics” received a 2 rating.
Creston had 10 groups competing in the categories of One-Act Play, Readers Theatre, Choral Reading, Ensemble Acting, Short Film, Group Improvisation, Musical Theatre and Radio Broadcasting.