Rewarding behavior

CMS Store redeems points for rewards

In middle school, fun erasers, fidget toys and fabulous pens are top-tier currency.

The creation of the Creston Middle School (CMS) Store was a way to integrate real-world math with a lucrative rewards system for kids following the boundaries for success.

“Principal (Lesa) Downing pushed us to get it started,” middle school math teacher Sarah Barry said. “I did a discount percent enrichment section last year, and she thought that was awesome and wanted me to run with it for an actual store.”

The enrichment project taught students how to apply discounts if they were shopping at a store and something was on sale. They set up a room where kids could walk around and figure out the sale price of an item.

This year, students are running cash registers and helping students turn “dojo points” in to redeem store items.

The school uses the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) program to recognize students for respecting themselves, others and the school.

“It’s rewarding positive behavior,” middle school talented and gifted (TAG) teacher Danielle Flores said. “They can build the points up and use that in the store as their money so it’s promoting positive behavior. They’re wanting to earn points by behaving to go to the store to purchase.”

In the past, only the top three students in each grade level were recognized for the amount of points earned. “This gives everyone an opportunity to be rewarded,” Barry said.

Flores said the new system provides more value to students. “It didn’t have as much value before,” she said. “Now their points have value because they can go to the store and save up for different things.”

The store is in a “soft launch” right now as they are only offering passes while they fundraise to purchase other items for the store.

Popular passes include: sit in the teacher’s chair; bring an adult to lunch; be principal for a period and sit with a different grade at lunch.

It’s important to Flores and Barry the store only uses points and not money because they want students to be recognized based on behavior rather than have some students left out because they don’t have the money.

They are fundraising in school by hosting a jeans day for teachers and a hat day for students where they are able to pay a few dollars and break those dress code rules.

They hope to fill the store with items like fun pens, notebooks, folders, fidgets, erasers, pencils, snacks and more. The store will remain ran by students and for students during their pride time.

Anyone interested in donating items or funds to the CMS store can contact Flores or Barry at or

Cheyenne Roche


Originally from Wisconsin, Cheyenne has a journalism and political science degree from UW-Eau Claire and a passion for reading and learning. She lives in Creston with her husband and their two little dogs.