February 06, 2025

City officials approve pool remodel plans

It’s possible next summer those who use the McKinley Park pool will have a different experience than in years past.

Creston City Council approved plans Tuesday for remodeled pool. The plans were initially reviewed and approved by the city’s park and recreation board before being sent to city city council.

The project will now go out for bid, with bids due back Nov. 29.

Highlighting the changes is an splash pad that will be available for the public when the pool is not open. Other changes include adding zero entry to the toddler pool, climbing wall in the lap pool, updating and repairing existing mechanical systems and a heat system to the pool.

The Park and Recreation board approved $51,900 to Waters Edge, the aquatic design and engineering firm, for preliminary design services.

Construction costs for the work is estimated at $1.6 million. In summer 2021 Creston City Council approved a match funding of $50,000 every year for 10 years from the franchise fee fund. The Union County Board of Supervisors approved a $10,000 per year contribution for five years.

Multiple grants for the pool are a Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) grant and a Wellmark Foundation matching grant plus various local donations. A South Central Iowa Community Foundation (SCICF) Grant is funding the climbing wall.

During a special Park and Recreation board meeting last week, board members said MPAC organizers are still hopeful that the improvements can be completed in time for when the pool opens for the season in 2023.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.