So much to do it’s SCARY

Creston will be a spooky place this weekend and into next week, full of festivities for the young and young at heart. Various businesses and organizations have scheduled events this week, weekend and Monday evening in honor of Halloween.

These are the events the Creston News Advertiser has been made aware of or has seen advertised - pick one or pick them all and support Creston local businesses and the Creston community.

Spotlight School of Dance is holding “Spotlight Spooktacular” all week (Oct. 24-28). Dance students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to class.

Project C Dance Co. is also celebrating with a costume week. Dancers are encouraged to dress up for dance and tumbling classes (excluding competition classes). Costumes still need to be fitting enough so dancers can move around/tumble and ask that costumes not be super scary or offensive. A few costume winners will be chosen and rewarded a prize.

For the adults who want to join the costume fun, The Lobby is having a costume party Friday, Oct. 28 - bar hours are 2 p.m.-2 a.m. Elm’s Club is having a costume party from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. with prizes and specials.

OCT. 29

Saturday will be a trick-or-treaters paradise with plenty of organizations holding events for kids and adults:

HyVee will welcome trick-or-treaters from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

The Eagles Club Motorcycle Trick or Treat will be 4-6 p.m. They will have motorcycles, temporary tattoos, kids games, prizes, pumpkin painting and of course candy. Everything will be set up on the south side of the Eagles building.

A community favorite and the largest fundraiser for C.A.R.E each year, the 23rd annual Bright Eyes in the Park, will be held from 4-5:30 p.m. at McKinley Park by the bear. Treat bags are provided at the event and admission for those wishing to fill the bags is $5. Adults escorting the candy hunters are free of charge.

Gibson Memorial Library will host Bloodthirsty: A true history of vampires and werewolves at 5 p.m. in the genealogy room.

Creston Family Fun Center is having a post Bright Eyes event, wear your costume and receive a free soda or shoe rental. A kids costume and coloring contest will also take place with prizes awarded. The Fun Center is open until 11 p.m.

The Creston Elks Lodge Trunk or Treat starts at 5:30 p.m. on the west side of building. Stick around for a Halloween party on the east side of the building. Kids activities and games with prizes will be offered and the outdoor bar will be open for adults.

Hot Air Brewing will be celebrating Halloween with Garrett & the Relics and a costume party Saturday night. Prizes will be awarded for best overall costume and best costume based on a Hot Air beer.

OCT. 31

Fast forward to Monday, the day we’ve been celebrating all weekend long, is here and so are the opportunities for more fun and more candy.

Walmart is having a Halloween parade at 4:30 for all ages. Dress up in your costume and meet in the garden center.

Salem Lutheran Church invites everyone from 5:30-7 p.m. for a family friendly Halloween party with games for the kids, photo booth and refreshments!.

At 6 p.m. take your kids to the Homestead Trick-or-Treat, 1709 W. Prairie St. and from 6-7:30 p.m. Creston Specialty Care, 1001 Cottonwood St., is having a drive-up Trunk-or-Treat.

Creston city-wide trick-or-treating runs from 5-7:30 p.m. Residents who are handing out candy are asked to turn on a porch light to let kids know to stop there.