Creston First Baptist Church to celebrate 150 years

Oct. 27 will mark the 150th anniversary celebration of the First Baptist Church of Creston.

Celebration services are planned for Oct. 27-30 at the church, 1001 N. Lincoln. At 6:30 p.m. Oct. 27 former pastors Norman Hoag and Randall Cook will speak. The public is invited to the open house from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 28 featuring memories of the church. At 6:30 p.m. Oct. 28 former pastor John Runyan will preaching with an alumni choir. Sunday anniversary services on Oct. 30 begin in 10 a.m. with former pastor Dave Peters. Former Pastor Ronald Schrock will minister a 1 p.m. service.


Mrs. Way, wife of a hardware store merchant, organized the first Sunday School of Creston soon after her arrival in town. The first gathering was held in an unfinished building. When it was needed for a residence, the Sunday School relocated to the hardware store until a more suitable place could be procured. Rev. W. P. Pattison of Red Oak organized the church as a Baptist church on Oct. 27, 1872, with 13 members under the auspies of the American Baptist Home Mission Society.


These years were a period of organization, membership growth and construction. The charter members called Pattison as their first pastor. For the first 10 years, the church met in public halls, rented facilities and in members’ homes.

On Jan. 31, 1880, the First Baptist Church of Creston was incorporated. The next year ground was broken on the corner of Maple and Mills streets. The wooden structure became the home for the growing church built at cost of $3,500. During these 25 years, nine men served as pastor for this fledgling ministry.


These next years marked a period of expansion and reconstruction. The first building became inadequate and was torn down in 1906. The church temporarily moved its gatherings to the courtroom of the county courthouse. Sunday School classes were held in the jurors’ room. The cornerstone of the new building was laid Sept. 9, 1906, and Thanksgiving Day the church held its first service in the church’s basement. This building, seating 400, was not completed or dedicated until Nov. 21, 1909. Seven pastors were used during this time.


The church continued to grow in this span of years.

Ruth Arnold to Moody Bible Institute was sent by the church to prepare for missionary work in September 1944. Upon completion, the church formally commissioned her. On Oct. 2, 1944, the church joined fellowship with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. The church had six pastors during this time.


Beginning in 1956, First Baptist proclaimed God’s work over Creston Radio KSIB.

On Sept. 14, 1958, the church commissioned Lucille Riley for missionary service under Baptist Mid-Missions.

The congregation voted June 24, 1959, to build another new church building. In September 1961, property was purchased at the corner of Lincoln and Prairie streets and architects were employed to design the building. Contracts were let on Feb. 15, 1967, and groundbreaking ceremonies were held April 30. Construction at this site began soon after. Formal dedication services were held in October 1968. Total cost of the new church building, including land, construction and furnishings was approximately $285,000. The first service in the new building was held Sept. 15, 1968.

On Nov. 29, 1964, there as a commissioning service for Marisue Lewis, missionary appointee to Ghana, West Africa, under Baptist Mid-Missions.

October 1972 marked our centennial celebration. Activities included a drama by the young people and a cantata sung by the adult choir. Some people arrived for the Sunday service dressed as they may have 100 years earlier, some on horseback, others in vintage cars.

Throughout the fourth 25 years the church had five pastors.


The 120th anniversary of the church was observed in 1992. The church had four pastors during this time.


In January 2001, the church commissioned Dan and Elaine Hargrave for missionary service with Baptist Church Planters.

A stewardship campaign “Building Our Faith” was initiated in November 2002. On Sept. 21, 2003, the church family participated in a groundbreaking service for a proposed $750,000 renovation and expansion. A single-bottom plow pulled by a 100-foot rope was used to break the ground.

In October 2004 the renovation and expansion project was dedicated with services celebrating the addition as well as the 132 anniversary of the church with missionaries and former pastors participating. Over $590,000 was sacrificially given toward the project.

In 2018 the church reached out into the community with the gospel by holding a live nativity. The three-day event featured five stations around the church parking lot. Members in Biblical costuming depicted the innkeeper, angel choir, wise men, shepherds on the hillside, carpenter’s shop and empty tomb. This outreach continued in 2019 and 2021.

On Feb. 28, 2016, Nichole Carr was commissioned to missionary service in Romania with Baptist Mid-Missions where she still serves. In 2020, the church began to live stream services on YouTube.