After months of debate between the Creston Parks and Recreation Board and the Save the Girl Scout Cabin Committee, an agreement has been reached.
The historic Girl Scout cabin at McKinley Park will come down later this year. Audrey Wright, vice president of the committee, made their statement at the parks and rec meeting Tuesday. “We have come to determine that we have exhausted all of our resources, our efforts on saving the actual building that we have,” she said. “With that being said, we’d like to find out all the recommendations and input about us putting a new building out there.”
An effort will be made to save a couple sections where the carvings and signatures are to have them preserved, but due to the deteriorating condition of the building, it can’t be guaranteed. “If it falls apart, it falls apart,” said parks and rec board member John Kawa.
“We’re very well aware of that,” Wright said. If salvageable, the carvings will be be displayed in the new building.
The Save the Girl Scout Cabin committee was not unanimous in their decision with four out of five members voting to rebuild. “It’s just not feasible,” Wright said. “Who is going to keep the upkeep if we put $200,000 in it when we could use that money to put in a building that will last for our grandkids.”
Parks and rec board member Gary Borcherding was concerned with the quality of the project. “If we don’t go to the extent of putting in footings and doing it right, we’ll be right back where we’re at even quicker,” he said.
The committee had questions for the board about the type of building they can use and the size of the building, but Kawa said the building didn’t have to be anything.
“My thought on the whole deal since day one was another log cabin,” Kawa said. “I think it would be (perfect). It would fit right with the old one. Once the new one is up, it would be just like it was. There would be a lot of similarities. We could make it big enough where we could actually use it for a meeting room and other things. I think that’s what everyone wants.”
The cabin is 20-by-40, but the new cabin may be as large as 60-by-24 to accommodate an ADA compliant bathroom and space for a meeting room.
Kawa is working with several companies to get prices to tear down the cabin, and he estimates it to be done this fall or winter.
In order to apply for grants, they need to know how much money they will need. By the time they have a price, this year’s grants for this type of project may be closed.
“It’s already been sitting for five years, what’s one more year in the long run?” Kawa said.
There is a good fund started for the project already from the auction and other donors.
“We’re willing to do whatever we need to do,” Wright said. “We want it accessible for everyone, not just the Girl Scouts. We want it to be for the community.”