‘Save the Girl Scout Cabin’ held a fundraiser March 4 and raised $13,000 in efforts toward restoration and addition to the cabin.
“The community support was outstanding. It’s great to see the community get behind a project that can be a great asset to the community and surrounding region,” said consultant Bolinger Solutions’ President, Jesse Bolinger.
Upcoming event planning for the group is the SOS/Town Hall meeting 1-4 p.m. April 3 at The Lobby for anyone interested in the project. Former Girl Scouts are encouraged to come. Egg my yard fundraiser is ongoing until April 16. The group has candy filled eggs to be hidden and volunteer bunnies to do the work.
Eggs will be hidden Saturday night between 9 p.m. and 12 a.m.– 30 eggs for $25, 50 eggs for $45, and 70 eggs for $60–Creston residents only. All proceeds donated to the ‘Girl Scout Cabin Fund’.
“We’re going to talk about relationship building with the necessities of longer conversation and advocacy for projects,” said Bolinger.
The Girl Scouts have meetings in the form of a friendship circle concept. GSCF would like to expand their current friendship circle to include Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, FFA, 4-H and other youth programs.
“We want it to be for the community, not just for the scouts,” said ‘Girl Scout Cabin Fund’ President, Tara Kinkade.
The GSCF continues to discuss concepts associated to refurbishing the cabin and the potential of an addition to the building to increase the ability to utilize the space related to groups or events, and enjoy the historical piece of the county into future years.
“Our schools aren’t necessarily teaching non-profit management, fundraising skills, volunteer management or strategic planning. Not teaching these concepts for youth can create struggle related to projects that raise money, when knowledge is limited, to lets say, candy bars, etc.,” said Bolinger.
Current Girl Scouts will be doing some projects April 3 at the meeting. Bolinger, having experience in non-profit management and fundraising will be present and indulge the young scouts with theories and models of fundraising and non-profits. The scouts that attend will have the opportunity, taking part in the conversation and activities, of earning their fundraising badge.
“I feel when it comes to non-profits there isn’t necessarily new blood coming in. The people that are coming in are just kind of falling there. They aren’t necessarily coming in with knowledge,” said Bolinger.
The Girl Scout Cabin at McKinley Park has been reviewed by structural engineer James E. Tometich of TE Forensics Inc. and claimed the cabin can be saved according to group in support of saving the structure.
“Where it looks right now, we’re saving the cabin, the cabin is structurally sound from the structural engineer,” said Kinkade.
During restoration efforts infancy, structural engineer James E. Tometich of TE Forensics Inc. claimed the cabin salvageable. Kinkade continues work with Bolinger Solutions, to form case statements and formal statements to continue laying out the foundation for pursuing fundraising in support of the cabin restoration and addition.
“The cabin is structurally sound to a degree, that it does need significant work, but it is do-able. The structural engineer is very favorable that he has the professional experience to help us make the connections necessary to do the work that needs done and do it in a logical fashion to preserve the historical integrity, but also create a space that is functional and usable not only for scouts, but the community,” said Bolinger.
The cabin was made of the 100-year-old telephone polls that stood in downtown Creston.
“Its historical, its been a part of Creston for a long time. We have had a lot of former girl scouts reach out to us and have shared their stories. Its been pretty touching,” said Kinkade.