October 22, 2024

County continues to hear funding requests

Via telephone, Kelly Butts-Elston from Connections Area on Aging spoke to the Union County Board of Supervisors Monday for a financial contribution.

She requested $11,670. Supervisors are researching and writing the fiscal year 2023 budget which begins July 1. Supervisors did not take any action on the request.

In Union County, according to 2021 statistics, senior citizen meal sites which are part of Connections, reopened in late spring or early summer. Afton and Creston meal sites had 65 participants and 1,720 meals were served May through December. There were 312 home delivered customers and that totaled 2,679 meals.

Butts-Elston said there are devices available in Union County that are a computer communication tablet for those who are socially isolated. The device can be monitored by a relative or a health-care provider to block potential scam calls. The device will only receive communication from numbers input in the device.

“A 90-year-old will be able to use the device in 90 seconds,” she said about the ease of using it.

Tom Hartsock of Hartsock Insurance reviewed the county’s insurance policy. The county’s workers’ compensation premium has increased about $12,000. Some of the reason is because of payroll increases and the three-year average of use. Hartsock the average use did not increase enough to be a concern.

Hartsock also saw increase in property-related insurance, mainly because of storm damage. He suggested to consider changing deductibles for county properties and vehicles to lower premiums. County officials will review the numbers.

In other county news...

A public hearing for an ordinances related to tanning booth regulations was scheduled for 10 a.m., Monday, Feb. 14. A public hearing for a budget amendment related to the county receiving American Rescue Act funds will be 10:30 a.m. Feb. 14.

At the request of Union County Veterans Affair Director Kevin Provost, VA board members Gary Riley and Paul Miller were reappointed. Provost is also the director in Adams County. He is in Union County Wednesdays and Fridays. He is in Adams County on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He splits Monday between the two locations.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.