January 02, 2025

County approves rescue fund requests

In the spirit of the season of gift giving, Union County Board of Supervisors were making their list and checking it twice in regard to the requests on how to spend the $2.3 million in American Rescue Plan funds.

On Friday, supervisors approved a list that was about $21,000 short of the $1.18 million already provided to the county from the federal program. It is unknown when the remaining $1.12 million balance will be received. Supervisor Dennis Brown made the motion and was second by Rick Friday to approve the list.

The county has until 2024 to approve a spending plan and 2026 for it to actually be used. The intent of the funds were for local governments to recover from losses related to COVID. A group of bipartisan legislatures have proposed waving the restrictions. No action has been taken.

Windstream and Lockridge, both internet providers, requested $500,000 and $145,988, respectively, to expand internet service in the county. Supervisors approved Lockridge.

Windstream representative Logan Shine said the funds will be used to offer service to 149 locations that are considered under-served. That means the internet service has operational limitations.

“Over 30 years, it will be more cost effective,” Shine said, comparing Windstream’s strategy to Lockridge. Shine expects Windstream to expand it service in the county in phases in the coming years. Windstream is wanting to expand using fiber. Shine said fiber is a high-cost infrastructure, but provides the best service.

Shine added there were Windstream towers that relayed internet service that were damaged during last week’s strong winds across the state. Fiber does not have that kind of threat.

Lockridge, whose proposal was through the Union County Development Association, will have towers in the county and its service will be throughout the county.

“With $2 million, I can’t justify spending on 200 households,” said Supervisor Rick Friday about Windstream’s proposal. “That’s 25% of the funding.”

Lockridge will also provide a discounted price for Union County government to use for its service.

Supervisors agreed for the recipients of the funds to provide any and all receipts or invoices for their projects. That information will be submitted to the county for payment from each entity’s amount.

Other requests the supervisors approved:

Union County Fair Board: Expansion of bleachers for rodeo arena to go from 2,520 to more than 3,000. $350,000.

Union County Conservation Board: electrical improvements, sewer, water access; create 10, full-service camp sites at Three Mile Lake, $324,100.

Union County Recorder: digitize records, laptop, $58,178.

Union County Jail: improve plumbing and inmate visitor area, $85,000.

Union County Courthouse, Law Enforcement Center: generator, $60,000; bullet-resistant plexiglass at department offices, $30,000; relocate assessor’s office to have all departments on same floor, relocate board of supervisors room to basement, purchase conference call and video conference equipment, touchless water fixtures, $115,525.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.