Afton City Council member Mary Hill wants to make it easier to walk through the town. Last week, she asked for financial support from the Union County Board of Supervisors about extending the town’s walking trail.
Hill said the trail is about 25 years old but still has not been completed.
“We still have many unanswered questions. The trail goes back to the 1990s. We would like to continue. We still have many unanswered questions,” she said.
Hill said the goal is to fill in between the areas where there is no trail or sidewalk. That would be from near the intersection of Scott and Olive streets, near Fairview Housing, to near East Union School.
Hill said there have been plenty of examples to show why finishing the trail is desired. Keeping people from walking on the streets is priority.
“There is a lot of school traffic,” she said, noting how nearby Bunn and the United Farmers Cooperative also places with traffic. “Spring, summer, fall, the recreation field is packed solid full of cars. We feel like it is a very dangerous situation.”
Hill said other than raising the funds for the work, the project will need some cooperation from some property owners along the suggested route. The city of Afton has some property along the route which could be used for the trail.
“We have permission to use some private property,” Hill said. Some other property owners do not want the trail. Hill said there could be crosswalks marked on streets to avoid use of those properties.
Supervisors were supportive of the plan, although no formal action was taken.
“We are here to work with you guys,” said Supervisor Ron Riley.
Supervisor Rick Friday said he has spoken with the Clarke County Engineer’s office which supports the proposal. Friday said the staff would like to meet with Afton and Union County officials to further research the expansion. With Union County searching for its own engineer, Clarke County is providing those services until one is named.
Hill said Paulus Concrete of Creston has estimated $130,000 for the extension. That would fund about 19,000 square foot of trail at 7 feet wide.
Afton officials have asked for donations from others. Hill said Greater Regional Health will offer a $30,000 matching grant.
“We hope to do local fundraising during winter and start work in summer 2022,” Hill said. “We are looking for help you can offer us in any way.”