Kiki Scarberry, Rich Madison and Matt Levine won their respective, contested seats for Creston City Council while Leslie Wurster was left off the Creston School Board according to unofficial results from
Tuesday’s election from the Union County Auditor’s office.
In other unofficial election results, Creston voters favored up to $2 million in funding for the improvements at McKinley Lake; up to $3 million for the construction of a new public works building for the city and making a nine-member Gibson Memorial Library Board.
Madison received 599 votes for the at-large seat. Michele Thatcher had 482. Since Madison was already serving as Ward 2 representative, council is expected to appoint a person to finish his term in Ward 2.
Scarberry had 443 votes to win a council at-large seat to fill a vacancy. Other candidates were Jordan Nelson, 429; Jesse Bolinger, 161, and Vidette Dixon-Borgmann, 68.
Incumbent Matt Levine received 127 votes to Jennifer Worisek’s 103 for Ward 3.
Amanda Mohr received the most votes at 942 for one of the three Creston School Board seats. Incumbents Sharon Snodgrass, 942, and Galen Zumbach, 884, won the other two seats. Wurster had 708 votes.
Each of the questions on the Creston ballot passed. The McKinley Lake project had 754 votes in favor to 387 against. That received 66% of the vote. Funding for the city’s public works building had 695 votes in favor to 434 against. That received 61% of the vote.
Increasing the Creston library board to nine members passed 707 to 383. Two of the nine members will be non-Creston residents.
Of the 8,336 registered voters in Union County, 1,679 ballots were cast, a 20% turnout.
In other unofficial, Union County election results from Tuesday…
Afton Mayor: Michelle Burger, 68 votes. Two, Afton at-large council members, Kristie Nixon, 75; Jeff Burger, 49. Sheryl Parham, 33.
Arispe at-large council member, vote for 3: Ernest Abel 10; Rodney Meinke, 11; write-in, 74. Arsipe at-large council to fill a vacancy, Diane Smith, 16. Write-in 17.
Creston City Council, Ward 1: Jocelyn Blazek, 141.
Creston City Council, Ward 5: Steve Wintermute, 205.
Creston Parks and Recreation Board: Gary Borcherding, 1,009.
Cromwell Mayor: Duane Adamson, 17. Write-in 18.
Cromwell City Council, five at-large seats: Jacob McGehee, 31; Robert Hepp, 30; Eric Millslagle, 27; Kevin McVay, 26; Amy Angell, 24; Curt Angell, 20.
Lorimor Mayor: Tim O’Neil, 32; Deborah Stuchel, 25; Timothy Sly, 19; Jeannette Schwabe, 14.
Lorimor City Council, three at-large seats: Mathew Lenhart, 50; Merrill Cornelison, 41; Karen Tucker, 36; Kendra Vander Martin, 31; Jody King, 31; Samantha Berch, 29.
Shannon City Council, three at-large seats: Wes Gilbert, 2; Clay Arnold, 2; Glen Hoyt, 2.
Thayer Mayor: Jennifer Mitchell, 9. Thayer Council, five at-large seats: Keith Mitchell Jr. 9; Karen Mitchell, 9; Lacy Catalano, 8; Deana Welcher, 7; Les Vanderpluym, 7.
East Union School, district 2: Mike Rollings, 35. East Union School, district 5, Desiree Thornton, 76. East Union District 1, to fill a vacancy, Carol Eckels, 55.
Lenox School Board, three at-large seats: Kurtis Christensen, 5; Nicole Hogan, 3; Jamie Horton, 3; Monty Douglass, 2; Clay Nelson, 1. Lenox public measure, 5 yes, 0 no.
Murray School Board, two at-large seats: Crystal Ashby, Jeanne Klein, Sherri Chew, 0 votes.
Orient-Macksburg School Board, one at-large seat: Alexander Maeder, 1; Angie Blazek, 0; Casey Osborne, 0. District 1, Roger Wolfe, 1; District 3, to fill a vacancy, write-in, 1. Public measure AB, 1 yes, 0 no.
Southwestern Community College District 1, Jane Ernst, 93; District 6, Zach Gunsolley, 271.