Club news

3 Mile Sharp Shooters 4-H club

The 3 Mile Sharp Shooters 4-H club had their regular meeting at 3:15 p.m. Oct. 11. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Allie Holliday and the 4-H Pledge by Brittany Seals. 16 members were in attendance. Jonah Holliday gave the Secretary’s report and Christian White gave the Treasurer’s report. The Club will be participating in the Afton Trunk-or-Treat from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Oct. 31 on the south side of the square. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Hailey Gutmann, seconded by Lundy Sanson. This month’s refreshments were provided by Hailey and Faith Gutmann and the educational presentation was given by Sarah King. Our guest speakers were Karen Drake and Jodie Mobley from Karen’s Crafty Corner in Creston.

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CARSPA met Oct. 13 at Crest Plaza 2 with six members present. Marisue Lewis gave an interesting presentation about her 10 years teaching in Ghana, Africa. She also told about her 35 years as a missionary in Fortaleza, Brazil. She also modeled hats with souvenirs on them which designated many jobs she had as church worker, teacher, homemaker and missionary tourist guide. Missionary work there is supported by donations from individuals and 10 churches in the United States, including First Baptist Church in Creston. Students in 1st though 12th grade at the school there are children of missionaries and must speak English.

Diane Burgmaier presided at the business meeting. She gave the state report of volunteer hours which included CARSPA’s local hours; 1,774 youth and education and 1009 community. Money for the “kleenex fund” was collected and will be sent to the Orient-Macksburg school. Next meeting will be at 8:30 a.m. Jan. 12 at Crest Plaza 2 location.

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Alpha Sigma Master Chapter

Alpha Sigma Master Chapter met Oct. 8 at the home of president Dorothy Eyberg. Following the opening ritual, members answered roll call with their voting plans. Official communications included a request for life members to become members in Angel status. Members will decide individually whether or not to join. Unofficially, a thank you note from Norma Putnam was acknowledged and information regarding the 2021 State Convention was shared. The 2021 State Service Project will support Dorothy’s House in Des Moines which assists victims of sex trafficking.

There were no committee reports. Old business was a discussion of donating old ritual supplies to the Rectory Rerun shop. New business was a discussion of where to hold the November meeting at 11 a.m. at the Mexican restaurant in Lorimor.

Following the closing ritual, Dorothy gave a two-part program. She discussed the science of sneezing for COVID-19 then discussed Iowa women who have helped change the world; i.e. Carrie Chapman Catt for the women’s vote and NASA pilot Janet Guthrie.

She also reported on a great teacher, Jane Elliott; Willie Stevenson Glanton, the first African American woman to be elected to the Iowa Legislature and the first woman to be elected as assistant Polk County Attorney; and Peggy Whitson an astronaut with a list of achievements.

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Elzevir Reading Circle

The monthly meeting of Elzevir Reading Circle was held at the home of Alice Bowers at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 9. The President opened the meeting with facts about October followed by members answering roll call with their Halloween reminisces.

The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion to accept minutes was read seconded and passed. Members paid their dues, which will be taken to the treasurer.

Two members had enjoyed an afternoon with members of GFWC/Bancroft History Assembly on Oct. 5 at Purple Cow and Kansas Street Deli in Afton. Following some discussion, a motion to approve changes to the by-laws was made, seconded and passed. Constitution changes in writing were presented. They will be reviewed and voted on at the next meeting.

Mary Stewart’s club collect was recited. The next meeting will be at the home of Terry Ammon with Carol Brentnall presenting the program. Motion to adjourn was made with unanimous vote.

Alice Bowers compiled historical information of Creston from the Creston Sesquicentennial booklet. She shared facts about the beginnings of the Burlington Missouri River Railroad, which in 1875 became the Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad and the importance of the railroad to Creston’s development, history about the first courthouse built at Pine and Mills Streets, the Creston Mutual Telephone Company and the building of Green Valley Lake to provide a reserve supply of water for Creston, among other items.

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Theodore J. Martens VFW Post No. 1797

VFW Post No. 1797 met Oct. 13 at the Elks in Creston, with 14 member and guests present for dinner. Commander O’Daniels called the meeting to order at 7 p.m., with 16 members present. The post draped the charter for veterans Dennis Ripperger, Richard Waddingham, Donald Burich, LeRoy Bucy, Jeffrey Mathers and W. Leon Maxson. Service officers reported 46 community service hours, 62 hospital service hours and 164 Honor Guard hours for a total of 272. 420 miles were traveled for veterans. Minutes and QM reports were read and approved.

In old business, information was shared about the veterans wall at VFW ballfield. Weekly Veteran of the Week information was also shared, Joe Anson spearheads the events at 5:30 each Friday and posts on Facebook. In new business, Buddy Poppy Day will be held in Creston from 8 a.m. till noon Nov. 7 at various locations. No formal program at Creston High School will be held this year but there will be a virtual tour on KSIB radio Panther TV. VFW Post will have a dedication ceremony at the VFW ballfield on Veterans Day starting at 11 a.m. to commemorate the new wall.

In state news, a plan to have a VFW event at Three Mile Lake is planned for July 2021 to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Iowa VFW. Challenge coins are on sale for $10, contact Denny or Gary. District Four meeting will be Dec. 12 in Centerville. State mid-winter meeting will be Jan. 15 and 16 2021 at Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines. Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. Next meeting will begin with dinner at 6 p.m. and meeting at 7 p.m., Nov. 10 at the Elks in Creston. All war veterans are encouraged to attend.