September 18, 2024

Parent input needed on child care in Union County

Union County Child Care Solutions Collaborative, with assistance from First Children's Finance, is studying the supply and demand for child care in Union County. The Child Care Market Analysis will include research and analysis on the needs of local families and children, the current supply of regulated child care, factors that may impact child care enrollments, parents' current and preferred child care use, and employers' challenges caused by lack of child care. The report will include the key findings of the research and analysis; the community's child care gap; and a recommendation on the number and type of child care spots that would be reasonable to meet the community's needs.

A component of the research includes a survey of parents that live or work in Union County to learn about their child care preferences, along with child care challenges they may be facing. The survey can be accessed online at through Oct. 25, 2020.

The Child Care Solutions Collaborative is a result of and August 2019 community meeting facilitated by the Iowa Women’s Foundation (IWF), at the request of the Quad Counties 4 Kids Early Childhood Board. At the meeting, IWF led a group of community leaders, employers and organizations to exchange innovative ideas, focused on exploring child care investments to support children’s healthy development, a stronger workforce and a competitive business environment, both in the short and long term. Through listening and learning, educating and engaging, the collaboration concluded that Union County needs childcare that supports a stronger workforce and economy. This need has been magnified during the COVID-19 pandemic we currently live in.

“Quality child care services are a top priority for parents, employers and employees alike. With solid community feedback, this collaboration is in a position to develop a plan for a child care center that will not only meet the needs for our region but will also allow for expansion as our communities continue to grow. Our collaboration will also support in home providers to get the education and training they need to become licensed providers” said Mindy Stalker of the Union County Development Association.

Union County Child Care Solutions Collaborative consists of representatives from the following entities: Childcare Resource & Referral of Southwest Iowa, Creston Community School District, Early Childhood Parents as Teachers (SWCC), Greater Regional Health, MATURA & MATURA Headstart, Southern Iowa Council of Governments, Union County Child Care Association (d.b.a. I Think I Can Childcare Center), The Creston Chamber of Commerce and the UCDA.

If you have questions or would like more information about this project contact Vicki Sickles with Quad Counties 4 Kids Early Childhood Iowa at or Mindy Stalker with Union County Development Association at