February 21, 2025

Outdoor news

Habitat improvements at Hendrickson Marsh on display

Sitting smack in the middle between Marshalltown and Ames, the 850-acre Hendrickson Marsh Wildlife Area is a get-away-from-the-crowd kind of place, enjoyed by kayakers and bird watchers, and outside of opening weekend of duck season, by hunters.

With a mix of forest, prairie and a 200-acre wetland, Hendrickson Marsh is an important refueling spot for migrating birds each spring and fall. It’s home to diverse a grassland bird population, deer, turkeys, pheasants, doves and ducks. There’s a large tiger salamander population and sandhill cranes have been documented nesting here.

The wetland was dewatered as part of a renovation project to eliminate rough fish that got in to the system and to re-establish the vegetation. Standing in the parking lot on the southside off County Highway E63 on this late July morning, the project is nearing completion.

Wildlife biologist Josh Gansen said he plans to begin holding water in mid-August and given the marsh’s 8,400-acre watershed, he said it can refill in a hurry.

“We want to give the vegetation time to grow and mature. I’m hoping to get a nice response from the Bidens, millet, rice cutgrass, smartweed, river bulrush – good food for migrating waterfowl,” Gansen said. “The thing about a large watershed is that if we get a one-inch rainfall, we’ll fill up quick. I expect it to be great for walk in teal hunting. Early on, it could be a little tough for a boat.”

Work to improve the habitat extends beyond the marsh to the surrounding timber and prairie areas.

The prairie area on the south side between the parking lot and the marsh was treated with prescribed fire this summer to eliminate the encroaching brush. On the northeast corner, Gansen is using goats to help manage the vegetation when prescribed fire is not an option.

“We’ve used goats at other areas successfully, and we were fortunate enough that one of our neighbors has goats she needs to graze. They browse everything up to four feet which allows us to come in with equipment to remove the brush and avoid obstacles normally hidden by the taller vegetation,” he said.

Outside the goat zone, Gansen has been mechanically removing honeysuckle, and invasive shrub, that has been expanding its footprint in a windbreak along the north edge.

So far, Gansen has removed about 25 acres of encroaching and invasive trees as part of the long-term management plan. The brush has been replaced with prairie that will be managed with prescribed fire to reinvigorate the prairie and keep the brush at bay.

Expanding the prairie east and west

A 32-acre crop field on the southeast corner, acquired from the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, brought the area out to the gravel road improving access for visitors. Only in its second year, the young prairie is staring to express itself as blazing star and pale purple cone flower are easily visible.

The seed mix came for the DNR’s Prairie Resource Center and was supplemented with additional forbs that were supplied, in part, by a Monarch 3 grant from the National Wild Turkey Federation.

“The prairie has had a good response and provides good room for pheasants to run,” Gansen said.

A similar 30-acre parcel was acquired on the west side extending the area out to the gravel road. It too was planted to prairie.

“It’s a nice buffer to the marsh,” Gansen said.

Popular dove hunting spot

A 15-acre sunflower field was installed on the north side to accommodate the jump in interest for dove hunting. Pheasant chicks dart in and out of the field edge. The sunflowers are next to a field that has just been hayed and there is already a lot of doves.


There’s a bald eagle nest near the main boat ramp.

Visitors hike back to fish the marsh outlet, catching mainly bullheads and carp.

Hendrickson Marsh was built in 1968 and named for Iowa State University professor George Hendrickson. A plaque marking the dedication at the parking lot on E63 notes Hendrickson is “A pioneer educator in the field of Wildlife Management.”

In 2007, Hendrickson Marsh was one of the first shallow lakes in the state that was renovated using the new approach of water level manipulation to keep the wetland functioning properly. The goal of that renovation was to eliminate rough fish and to create a channel to help with future renovations.

The marsh has a good muskrat population. It’s also home to painted and snapping turtles, bullfrogs, and more.

Hendrickson Marsh draws hunters locally and from Ames, Marshalltown and Des Moines. It’s frequented by college kids. “When I went to Iowa State, it was the first place I came to duck hunt,” Gansen said.

Learn to Hunt program opens registration for workshop

DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is offering a free virtual workshop to teach skills needed to hunt, field dress and cook waterfowl to individuals who have little to no waterfowl hunting experience.

This virtual workshop consists of two separate online knowledge and skills building sessions with instructors that possess the experience to teach skills necessary to become efficient waterfowl hunters.

“For those interested in the challenge of waterfowl hunting as a means of sourcing their own protein or red meat, this program provides the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge it takes to do it all yourself,” said Jamie Cook, program coordinator with the Iowa DNR.

Participants will learn basic strategies for hunting waterfowl such as proper equipment, where to hunt, safe shooting practices, decoys and calling and how to field dress, clean and cook waterfowl.

The course is split into two sessions geared for participants 16 and older. Those under 16 must have an adult register and participate in the course as well. Space online will be limited so register right way to ensure your spot. Course One will be held Sept. 3 and cover waterfowl habitat and identification, hunting regulations and calling techniques. Course Two will be held Sept. 10 and cover hunting equipment, decoy spreads, cleaning and cooking. Participants can sign up for either or both courses. For more information and to begin the registration process please visit:

Course 1 – Sept. 3 https://www.register-ed.com/events/view/161726

Course 2 - Sept 10 https://www.register-ed.com/events/view/161728

The program is provided through a partnership with Delta Waterfowl and the Iowa DNR. It is part of a national effort to recruit, retain and reactivate hunters due to the overall decline in hunting and outdoor recreation.

DNR opening Banner and Olofson shooting ranges

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will begin a phased in reopening of the Banner and Olofson shooting ranges with new social distancing protocols customers will need to follow.

Customers will be asked to observe social distancing practices and hand washing/sanitizing procedures while on site. Additional measures have been added including sneeze guards, limiting the number of persons in the lobby and routine disinfecting/cleaning of high touch point areas throughout the day. Masks are not required but are highly encouraged when inside the range buildings during the check in and check out process.

Banner Range reopened Aug. 17 with a reduced hours schedule for the next two weeks. Banner Range will be open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Aug. 18, 21, 24, 25 and 28. It will return to normal operations on Aug. 31. More information is available at www.iowadnr.gov/banner.

Olofson Range will reopen with a reduced hours schedule for the next two weeks starting Aug. 19. Olofson Range will be open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Aug. 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 and 28. It will return to normal operations on Sept. 2. More information is available at www.iowadnr.gov/olofson.

The DNR is looking to potentially open the range outside of normal hours for a few nights in September where hunters could come to sight in their firearms. Those dates and times will likely be available in early September either online or by calling the range directly.

Hunter education classes and field days will resume at Olofson starting in September. Dates and times for the classes is available at https://register-ed.com/programs/iowa.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides guidance for waterfoul hunting in crops

Hunters planning to hunt waterfowl in fields damaged by the derecho storm on Aug. 10 need to be aware of what has taken place in the field after the fact to stay in compliance with the regulations.

Migratory waterfowl is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who has issued guidance as it relates to waterfowl hunting fields damaged by the storm.

Hunters are allowed to hunt waterfowl over fields that were knocked down by the wind because those fields are considered standing crops. Hunters are also allowed to hunt waterfowl over fields knocked down by the wind and harvested or harvested to the best of the equipment’s ability and in accordance with guidance form Iowa State Extension, because the crops are considered to have been harvested in a normal manner.

However, hunters may not hunt fields knocked down by the wind, not harvested and manipulated (shredded, disking, etc.) as required by insurance as it is then considered manipulated agricultural crops, which is not allowed.

Iowa’s teal only season begins Sept. 1. Regular duck seasons begin opening by zone in late September and early October. Hunters with questions are encouraged to contact their local conservation officer.