Friends of the Library Board
The Friends of the Library Board met Aug. 17 at Crest Baptist Fellowship Hall. The following members attended: Peg Anderson, Starr Cure, Jan Dillinger, Judy Hoakison, Jane King, Sarah King, Bunny Norton, Caprial Norton, Kay Raymond, Julie Schieffer, Mary Young and Aric Bishop. President Schieffer introduced the board to our new director, Aric Bishop.
The agenda was approved and the minutes were approved as corrected.
Director Aric is establishing a new book program which will begin Sept. 29 on the internet. The first book to be discussed is “Where The Crawdads Sing.” 19 books and one audio book are available for checkout at this time. Another group beginning soon is “What Is On Your Nightstand.” It will be a casual sharing of what we are reading at the time. It will be on Thursdays at 5 p.m.
A grant is being written by Aric to help with expenses needed during COVID-19 such as cleaning supplies. A thank you note was received from former director David Hargrove. The September used book sale has been canceled and we are not accepting book donations. The Valentine Cookie Bouquets were discussed.
Friends of the Library Week is Oct. 18 through 24. We will once again be giving new books to pre-schoolers in the area. Aric will look into new upgraded printing systems.
The next meeting of the group will be at 5 p.m. Sept. 21.
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Iowa Alpha Sigma Master Chapter - Beta Sigma Phi
Iowa Alpha Sigma Master Chapter met at the home of Loretta Kelly Thursday afternoon Aug. 13. Following the opening ritual, a memorial service for Patricia Fils was held with Marilyn Larimore and Norma Putnam reading the tributes.
President Dorothy Eyberg called the business meeting to order and announced that we will be celebrating the 89th anniversary of Beta Sigma Phi on Founder’s Day this year and the new theme is “Sister’s by Choice.” She read the message “Power to Dream” and discussed some of the history since the beginning in Abilene, Kansas, and the message from Laura Ross Winfield.
Roll call was answered with summer plans and the minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved. There were suggestions of how and when members might be able to visit member, Martha McAuley. Loretta distributed the new program books and gave the treasurer’s report. It was decided to meet for lunch at the Grille and Bar in Afton Sept. 10.
Loretta and Norma gave programs; Loretta discussed attitudes and how our mindset can have a great influence how we are able to perceive situations.
She noted that lack of sleep and emotional distress are important factors in determining how we are able to process information. She quoted, “If you can’t stand the smoke, stay out of the kitchen,” and “Have a nice day when other people aren’t.”
Norma’s program was on the idiosyncrasies in the English language and why it is difficult for foreigners to learn. Members were asked to think of examples, then she gave a list they discussed.
The closing ritual closed the meeting and Loretta served refreshments for social chatting.