January 30, 2025

The Strand remains open as local owner takes over

On Aug. 31, The Strand Theater in Creston will reopen under new ownership.

While the building will keep its iconic moniker out front, it will now be known as Creston Theaters. Jennifer Baucom of Creston said Nick Foltz, who owns The Lobby bar, purchased the building and the theater’s physical assets, and Baucom will be the owner/operator of the theater and will be renting building space from Foltz.

Currently, Baucom is exploring grants and has established a GoFundMe account to help raise the capital necessary to update the theater.

“We want to put in some better seats, new curtains, new carpets,” said Baucom.

Baucom said the theater currently has 237 seats, but only needs 100 to 125.

“Getting bigger and better seats would be fine and we’d have enough seating,” she said.

She has also reached out to Linda Dainty at Southwestern Community College to have students paint some movie-themed murals. She also has been in contact with individuals about the history of the theater.

“It’s been there for a long time and I’d like to display some history of the theater,” said Baucom. “There’s also old equipment in the basement that I’d like to display.”

In earlier conversations with Foltz, he pondered the idea of serving alcohol at the theater, similar to the offerings of many Des Moines area theaters, which offer appetizers, beer, wine and a limited menu of cocktails. Ultimately, Baucom decided against it.

“I understand that it can bring in some nice revenue, but … it changes your client base and it kind of changes the atmosphere. I’d really like to keep the theater family-friendly,” said Baucom.

Baucom said there are also liability issues that can arise from serving alcohol that she prefers not to deal with.

While the theater will not offer alcohol, there will be changes to some of its concessions.

“I am going to keep the popcorn the same because I know that is a big favorite. I really like the popcorn there myself,” said Baucom.

Baucom said she will continue a contract with Pepsi, but will make changes in what kind of candy is offered.

“We’ve had the same old stuff forever and it’s some of the same stuff you can find at Walmart … I’d really like to bring in an old-time theater feel by bringing in some old-time candies and offer things you can’t find anywhere else in town.

Baucom went to college for business with the goal of opening her own bookstore. After realizing she could continue on the success of already established business, she explored different local businesses for sale. While she feels confident in managing a business, she will work with the theater’s current staff to learn the operations specific to the theater. She also plans on keeping its current staff.

“I wasn’t going to just come in and give them the boot. I don’t think that’s fair,” said Baucom.

Baucom said she’s excited and looking forward to improving Creston’s theater and bringing in a different atmosphere.

“I’m looking forward to bringing some life back to it,” said Baucom. “Providing a place for people to come and enjoy themselves and get some entertainment.”

For updates, follow Creston Theaters, LLC on Facebook.