With the assurance of no smoking and the addition of greater visibility from inside, the Creston City Council approved an easement request from Foltzy Enterprises to create a fenced seating area outside The Lobby at 301 W. Adams St. during their regular meeting Tuesday via Zoom electronic platform.
During the July 17 council meeting, members voted to table action on owner Nick Foltz’s request in order to allow Foltz to appear before the council and to gather additional information.
One concern raised by the council was the possibility of smoking in the seating area with the movie theater next door and children being present.
Foltz assured the council smoking would not be permitted in the fenced area. In fact, he said, having the outdoor seating would help curb some of the smoking that occurs in front of his business.
“There would be no smoking inside the fence,” he said. “That would be part of the bar now. That would be illegal. ... Plus it’ll keep the cigarettes from being thrown on my sidewalk out there ... where the water drains. They toss that stuff in there; they toss it in my plants. ... If they’re going to smoke outside, they have to be outside the fence. I have no control of that.”
Council member Rich Madison asked if there would be emergency exits in the seating area.
Foltz responded that there would be gated access and that he needs to bring entertainment in through the area.
Council member Jocelyn Blazek relayed concerns she had received in a letter about taking the use of the sidewalk away from tax payers and possible insurance liability.
Mayor Gabe Carroll said the American Disability Act recommends a five-foot walkway. The proposed seating area would leave more than six feet of usable sidewalk.
City Administrator Mike Taylor said he didn’t believe the change would have any effect on the city’s insurance.
Carroll added that the business is already responsible for the sidewalk area.
Foltz provided additional pictures with his proposal that show decorative fencing lined with flower baskets and large see-through garage-style doors along the front of the building. The doors could be opened during nice weather and allow Foltz and his employees better visibility to monitor the outdoor seating.
“The garage doors really help out my vote,” council member Matt Levine said. “Because you’ll be able to see from the bar out there into this area.”
Letters of support from Ellen Gerharz of the Creston Chamber of Commerce and Wayne Pantini of the Union County Development Association were included with Foltz’s proposal.
Pantini addressed the recommendations from the downtown assessment, which encourage outdoor seating areas.
“An outdoor seating area demonstrates to those passing by the Uptown is a desired commercial district and visibly shows patrons in local business establishments,” Pantini said in his letter.
He said the creation of uptown seating areas complements the steps the city is taking to beautify and improve the uptown, such as approving murals, making sidewalk improvements and the current facade project.
The letter from Gerharz praised Foltz’s commitment to the uptown, outlining the positive changes he has already made including decorative planters and upgrades inside and out.
“I believe it is important that we applaud his efforts and work with him and others to continue to not only grow Uptown Creston, but continue making it a vital and vibrant part of the Creston Community,” Gerharz wrote.
She also spoke of the difficulties the COVID-19 restrictions have placed on food and beverage businesses who don’t have outdoor seating, saying outdoor seating will allow Foltz to maintain and grow his business.
No one spoke in opposition to the planned seating area.
Full plans and pictures can be accessed from the city council website or https://tinyurl.com/councilagenda8-4.