February 20, 2025

Club news

VFW Post No. 1797

Creston’s VFW Post No. 1797 met July 14 at the Elks in Creston. Eight members and guests were present for dinner, and Commander O’Daniels called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with 10 members present. The post reported no veteran deaths in the last 30 days.

Service officers reported: 21 hours of community service, 27 hours of hospital service for a total of 48 hours. 140 miles were traveled for veterans.

Minutes and QM reports were read and approved.

In old business, a motion to sustain current officers for 20/21 was made and approved, and current officers were installed. The VFW participated in the Elks Flag Day June 14. An informal 4th of July parade was held, driving the parade route.

In new business, the national Korean War veterans’ Armistice Day will be July 27, time to display your flags. Honor flight is tentatively scheduled for September or October.

In state news, the fall state pow-wow will be held at the Embassy Suites in Des Moines, Oct. 22 through 25. A plan to have a VFW event at Three Mile Lake near Afton is planned for July 2021 to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Iowa VFW.

The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 11 at the Elks with dinner at 6 p.m., meeting follows at 7 p.m. All war veterans are encouraged to attend.

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Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary

The Ladies’ Lakeshore Auxiliary met for “cards and chatter” Aug. 5. The canasta winners were Linda Clark, first; Mary Jane Narigon, second; Mary McElroy, third. The winner of the door prize was Marilyn Larimore. Their next meeting will be Aug. 12 and the hostess will be Sandy Krauth.