June 30, 2024

‘Always try to be a proud American’

Creston resident discusses patriotism ahead of Independence Day

Throughout his home, Creston resident Steve Hunt proudly displays the stars and stripes in the form of a collection of flags.

“I have never actually counted them,” said Hunt.

Hunt, a Mount Ayr native, said he has collected flags since he was still in school, having amassed multiple sizes and kinds, displaying them on his desk and in a tin. Despite having as many as he does, Hunt said no piece in particular is his favorite.

“I’ve never really thought about it like that,” said Hunt.

The intrigue goes deeper for Hunt, as he said his interest in the flag comes from his life-long fascination with his country.

“I started to learn more about patriotism and America itself in high school and college,” said Hunt. “I still try to learn about the country all I can.”

As presidential candidates made their way through Iowa over the 2020 election cycle, Hunt has made it a point to attend as many campaign events as possible. Hunt goes to events of either political party with the goal of trying to learn as much about the political process and government as he can.

“Somedays, I wonder if I even know what’s going on, I swear some of those issues just go right over your head,” said Hunt.

The importance of being active and involved with the inner-workings of the government is one passed down, as Hunt said he feels that he is honoring his family, who instilled this interest in him.

“In a way, I’m channelling my grandpa, he really cared about that stuff,” said Hunt.

Hunt said the most important aspect of being a patriot is doing what you can to look out for eachother and get along, believing that despite any division, we all stand for the same flag.

“I know it can be challenging, but I always try to be a proud American,” said Hunt. “I want us to be a big happy country.”